Does anyone know of a way to move up my surgery?

I work in a school (hourly employee) and am off all summer. The earliest date I could get was September 12, which means I have no pay all summer, and then no pay for 4-6 weeks for surgery. It's also a pretty new job, so it would be best to not have to take the time off. The surgeon's office tells me that they don't keep a cancellation list, because they almost never get cancellations. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?    — Wendy H. (posted on May 13, 2002)

May 13, 2002
I went through the same thing. So I truly know where you are coming from. I prayed and it all worked out for me. Good luck to you.
   — Karen M.

May 13, 2002
I told my doctor's office that I was changing insurance and my husband's new insurance wouldn't pay for it. So they had to either move me up or don't do the surgery. Believe me, they will fit you in instead of turning away $20K. Hope this helps. Two friends tried it and they moved their surgery up.
   — Tari H.

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