Need support- have

This is the short version, if u need more info- please read my profile. I am 22 yrs old and over 6 weeks post-op LAP RNY. After almost 4 months of constantly suffering from debilitating, horribly painful migraines that controlled my life everyday. I had an MRI, tons of blood tests, and had a spinal tap last week, then sent to the ER, then had a blood patch on Monday. I now have <b>"Chronic Daily Headaches"</b> I guess that's the term, that is the only one he gave me. Any one else suffer from this? As well as very <b>severe muscle spasms</b> ANyway, b/c of this, i have been bedridden for over a week now, i cannot sit-up or walk for long periods of time, although I try. My vision is blurry and am light sensitive. (I see chiropractors, neurologists and the hospital frequently) I am only able to get about 40grams to 50grams of protein in a day. I know this sounds obsessive, but is this okay? I get in plenty of fluids, like 80-100 or more, b/c i HAVE to b/c of my spinal problems and migraines. I just don't want to have come so far and lost 40 pounds and start all over. THANKS SO MUCH :-)    — Lezlie Y. (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 22, 2002
Hi- I havent had the WLS yet but I did suffer from very severe migraines from a previous surgery. I before my last surgery never had a headache in my life and after a very bad allergic reaction to my pain meds (demerol and morphin) I began suffering from such severe headaches I would be bed ridden. I was give a wonderful medication that I took at night and it would prevent the migraine the next morning, the doctor said it would take months before my body would feel back to normal and eventually the migraines have gone away. I hope this helps somehow or is maybe a door for your doctor to look at. Good Luck! Melissa

July 15, 2004
i found that many of my daily migraines were actually caused by food allergies. you might want to try a rotation diet, where you eat single foods (1 food per meal) and look for symptoms. this works best if you fast for a few days first, which i don't know if you can do w/your wls program. since identifying the foods, i no longer have daily headaches, altho i do still have some. i was so ill at one point that i wasn't able to work for about 2 years. also, many migraines get better the older you get - one of the few things to look forward to about aging!
   — laureen227

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