Has anyone tried soda again after surgery?

I am 3 weeks post op and craving a diet dr.pepper BAD.. has anyone tried to drink soda this early out? Thanks for the answers in advance!!!!    — Pam J. (posted on December 30, 2002)

December 30, 2002
I've been drinking diet Sprite since I was 5 weeks out, I have no trouble with the carbination, I just take one small sip at a time. (open RNY 11/14/02)
   — Amy Hoffman

December 30, 2002
Hi Pam! I started drinking diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Sprite, Diet Mt. Dew....all at about 2 weeks post-op and have had no surgeon's one requirement was to leave the pop sitting out for about 4 hours to let it go a bit flat. That deleats most of the carbonation so you don't get the bubbles on your stomach...and the reason they don't want you to do that is because the carbonation can actually help to stretch the new pouch. I say "go for it"!!! lol Love and light,
   — medium

December 30, 2002
i know exactly how you feel. before my wls, i was a big diet coke drinker, sometimes 4 cans a day, and i miss it so much. i'm always telling people it's the thing i miss the most. also, since i dont drink coffee or tea, it was my only source of caffeine. my physician advises against any carbonated drinks now because he says they can stretch the pouch. he also said if i must have it, let it sit for a few hours until most of the fizz is out, but who wants it then??
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 30, 2002
I was a HUGE diet coke drinker pre-op (literally about 6-8 a day) and worried terribly about missing it. About 1 week post-op I started with de-fizzed diet sprite (1 a day is PLENTY)....I open a can every night, and leave it in the frig; by the next night, its very easy to drink, and not so flat that its nasty. I've had a few (4?) diet cokes in the past 10 weeks, and what I do is open a can and pour it from one glass to another until almost all of the fizz is gone. I don't drink much of it (maybe a quarter), but it satisfies those cravings. Experiment, but be careful -- there is no worse feeling than that nasty gassy one. OK, dumping is worse, but whatever. Good luck!
   — Tamara K.

December 30, 2002
Put ice AND SPLENDA (or any artificial sweeter) in your diet soda. Stir and stand back. Most (at least half) the fiz will disappear like magic! It will taste more like regular pop and be easier for the tummy. I still love my diet this way. But do sip very slow and make your drink last a few hours to be safe. You are to new to do doing drinking pop fast.
   — Danmark

December 30, 2002
I drink diet soda's regularly, although not near as much as I use to. I know some surgeons say not to drink them, but mine didn't. I have had no problems at all. I don't let them go flat either. This is just my experience.
   — N M.

December 30, 2002
Wow I really expected a lot of posts here about soda stretching the pouch. That said my surgeon is one of those that disagrees with that and says diet is fine to drink. I tried really early on (about 4 weeks post op) and it didn't feel real good. By about 8 weeks post op it was fine though. I don't let it go flat or anything either. One thing though different from post op and preop is there is so much controversy or disagreement in the medical proffesion about whether it stretches the pouch or not that I don't drink it like I used to. I used to drink nothing but diet soda all day long. Now the majority of the time I drink Crystal Light but when I really want a soda I have one or when we go out to eat or stop somewhere riding in the car and I'm thirsty I get a soda.(Or water of course)
   — Carrie D.

December 30, 2002
I've been drinking diet soda for a while. I try to let it get a little flat first though. Just take small sips because you dont want that fizz to cause pain in your pouch.
   — Valerie H.

December 30, 2002
My doctor told me that if I ever wanted pop again then I should not have the surgery. He told me the fizz can blow the stomach up and possibly bust it. The only way to have it is by letting it sit for a day for the fizz to completely get out of it then you have to watch Caffine and sugar. So I have decided to completely stay away from it and believe me I loved Pepsi.
   — Lana Rush

December 31, 2002
I am 18 months post opt and I can drink soda, and it will not stretch your pouch, I had an upper GI 2 months ago and it has not stretched at ALL! Same little bitty size! Anyways, I still drink it over ice to get rid of the fizz or I can drink a fountain soda because it is less fizzy. If I drink from a can or bottle then I throw up the carbonation. Good Luck....
   — Donna J.

December 31, 2002
I think I waited about 4 weeks post to try a little soda. It doesn't bother me if I just5 sip some. Occasionally I indulge in some diet soda if I am visiting relatives or somewthing and I'm offered.
   — emilyfink

December 31, 2002
I used to live on diet Coke pre-op. I was also warned to give up soda for life. I tried a diet Coke at about 8 weeks post-op and it did not taste good at all! Was way too sweet and after one gulp, I burped for about 10 minutes. Tried another one at about 5 months post-op and had a similar reaction. I have also found that its hard enough to get in 64 ounces of water a day without trying to drink anything else.
   — Cindy R.

December 31, 2002
My surgeon has us wait until 6 months....and then allow a little time for it to go flat. I pour it over ice and add some lemon. However, I have found that the more I drink the more I want (kinda like my ols food addictions from the past) and the less water I drink. I now limit my self to only 1 a day.
   — Sharon H.

December 31, 2002
Heya hun.. when i tried diet soda straight it made me ill.. so i mixed about 2/3 soda to 1/3 water and put it over ice.. it really helped with the carbonation.. but i didnt like the taste.. hope this helps..*huggles and bb* Ps ..i tried it at about 4wks postop..
   — johanna F.

December 31, 2002
I waited about a year before drinking a soda, and would pour it from about a foot up to dissipate the bubbles. I had a soda without doing that, and one big sip really was uncomfortable, as the bubbles went all the way into my intestine and I couldn't burp them out. I think this early you should just substitute, or let your diet dr pepper go COMPLETELY flat before trying it. Your new body will thank you. Don't let your tongue and your head hurt your body.
   — Cara F.

December 31, 2002
My doctor said to give up sodas for life. He gave the example of take your favorite soda, pour it into a balloon. Tie it up, then shake it up. As the balloon expands, imagine your stomach doing the same.
   — Michael S.

January 1, 2003
I drink nothing but caffeine free diet coke and have done it since about week 8. I'm 14 months post-op and weigh 128 so you can see I have NO problems with it.
   — Patty H.

January 2, 2003
My Dr. says to stay away from it too. I have taken a few sips from my bf.'s glass on occasion, but have not taken a glass full since a few weeks before my surgery. I can't tell if I like it or not anymore, to be honest my drink of choice has become water...
   — Trish R.

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