Ulcer anyone?

I'm 14 months post-op and now experience pain when I eat or drink anything remotely sore. Yesterday even yougart made me nauseas and crystal lite lemondade caused severe pain. My local doc has given me a prescription antacid and I'm going for a scope in two weeks. I figure it's probably an ulcer, but if it is what do they do for it? Anyone experience similar issues?    — Cindy P. (posted on March 13, 2003)

March 13, 2003
I've had ulcers since I was 19. As a postie, only marginal ulcers (they form on the "margin" between pouch & intestine, at the stoma). I used Prilosec with great success. There are several great rx products on the market & each doc has a fave. The one you might ask for in addition is Carrafate. It's not the same as the others, but offers realtively instant relief while you go thru the healing proces.
   — vitalady

March 13, 2003
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. If it does turn out to be an ulcer, you will probably end up on Prilosec or Prevacid, and just like Michelle said, also carafate. I had a marginal ulcer as well, but it was perforated so I had to have surgery immediately. But you don't have to have surgery for an ulcer, I just had a very serious case. Some medicine should do the trick for you, it relieves alot of the pain. I hope you feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 13, 2003
I have a profile full of ulcer craziness. My docs gave me prevacid, the Carafate didnt do anything for the pain in my case. But my ulcer was in my intestine so who knows if it is supposed to help there. I ended up having to have surgery to remove it....I hope you can cure yours with medicine. Much easier that way. :)
   — RebeccaP

March 13, 2003
I never had an ulcer before my first surgery. Now I have them all the time. One doc said its because the pouch is so small that there is not enough food to to "soak up the stomach acids". Mine caused a disruption. Apparently it is an inch long. I have been scoped, prodded etc. Good Luck. i am on Prevacid. Make sure you don't overeat because you feel better. Take care of you.
   — snicklefritz

March 14, 2003
Nexium is what worked for me - 1x/day and you feel great~
   — jengrz

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