Tummy Tuck vs Lower Body Lift

I am trying to decide between a tummy tuck and a belt lipectomy(lower body lift). The lift would do more for me for sure, but I wonder about the extensive cutting and stitches. I'd like to hear from anyone who has had the lift, and how it was for them. I recently had both arms, breast lift and breast augmentation all done in one surgery, and I was fine with that.    — claire C. (posted on March 20, 2003)

March 20, 2003
I would go for the lower body lift, I had att/mr/br on 12-02-02 and I had revison's on the 11th. of march to extend my scars around my back,so my tt will be considered a beltilectomy after hmy ps is all done, I also got my extra puckers of skin removed from the ends of my breast incision's, my plastic surgeon could do all of my revision's at the same time, cause it was putting pressure on my heart,it was done under local meds, so I go back next friday to have him finish the butt lift and the rest of the revision's...go for the lower body lift , you'll be much happier,,,
   — bikerchic

March 20, 2003
Hi there I am 5 weeks post op. I had a tummy tuck all the way around. so I guess that is a body lift. My scar is the front is like a normal tummy tuck scar, right above my belly button the one is the back is right about my "behind" however this one had a hard time remaining closed. When you have a tummy tuck, as you know I am sure, you are suppose to walk leaned over well I was doing that but since they went all the way around it opened up the back incision. No big deal, they fixed it. It will heal a little larger and my surgeon will go in and do a scar revision. I hear that if you use Mederma 6 weeks after surgery it will fade almost to nothing. I am going to start using that. I also had lipo on my flanks ( lovehandles) and legs! Let me know if you want to chat somemore. I am 25 years old. I had open RNY in july 2001 and breast aug in April 2002 and now this,.... hmmm what should I do next?
   — Jennifer L.

March 21, 2003
My tummy tuck incision was the typical hip to hip with it curving down to just above the crotch (not near the belly button) and then around the backside at just below my waist. I have seen pics of it being more along the belt line cutting across the middle of the tummy but much preferred the incision line my doc used as it conforms better to your body curves and makes it much less noticable (in my opinion) I think the scarring has a lot to do with your surgeons skill and the type of closure they make. I've heard some docs still use STAPLES (omg!!). My incision was a hidden type of stitch that was inside me all except for where the ends were tied. I had no trouble with it staying closed, and yes had to be bent over for almost two weeks. Twisting and turning was not possible, bending was REALLY limited, and due to the very extensive nature of my surgery (LOTS of abdominal work) I was out of commission for a lot longer than expected - like not even up to driving until week 5! The best part of having this particular procedure done is that it tightened up the skin from my backside and hips. The scaring is really very minimal, light, thin, flat and is well hidden by panties, bathing suits and such. One note, make sure if you're crotch is saggy or poofy at all to make arrangements with your doc to fix it with your tummy tuck. I think thats an important one that a lot of people forget to talk to their docs about.
   — Shelly S.

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