Anyone here had both open rny AND a c-section? Wondering how the two compare.

I'm currently pre-op (waaay pre-op...Still waiting for my surgical consult date, May 23rd), but I'm curious to know how the pain of open rny relates to the pain of a c-section? I had my daughter, Jade, via c-section almost 10 months ago. Because of my belly size, the surgeon couldn't do the now-traditional "bikini line cut". Instead, I had about a six-inch incision which runs from the center of my belly through my belly button area - about the same area as open rny! With this in mind, I'm anxious to know how open rny compares to a c-section like this. I had pain afterward, but it wasn't excruciating - and I'd like to think that I could tolerate the pain after an open rny. I wish I could have lap, but I have an incisional hernia that's about the size of a small beach ball - and I kind of doubt they can fix it AND do the rny laparoscopically. Any words of wisdom/advice in this area would be most appreciated. Thanks!!! Amy    — Amy Y. (posted on April 11, 2003)

April 11, 2003
Amy- I was a little confused when I read your question. Are you saying that your c-section incision was done above your belly button? I have a vertical incision as a result of two c-sections (they used the same incision site both times) and it runs from just below my belly button down the the bottom of my stomach. My stomach hangs, so the doctor was careful not to extend the incision where it would be under that part of my stomach. I had an open RNY nine months ago. The scar for that starts about 3 inches below my bra line and extends about 7 inches down from there. So one scar is below my belly button and one is above it, not in the same spot. I just wanted to make sure to explian that, in case your situation is different. I also had an incisional hernia at my c-section site when I went in for my RNY. I think your probably right about them not being able to do you lap because of it, but I'm not sure. I will tell you that my doctor decided not to do my hernia repair at the time of my wls. She felt that I would have a better chance at a successful hernia repair after I had lost some of the weight, because I carry most of my weight in my stomach and I have a large apron. We are actually hoping that I can wait and do the hernia repair at the same time as a tummy tuck, because then I won't have that apron of skin pulling down on my stomach as my muscles heal from the hernia repair. My hernia is not causing me any discomfort so far, so right now the plan is to wait. Sorry, I'm rambling. Back to the question at hand :) I found that the pain was pretty much the same with both surgeries, but I actually found it easier to get around after the RNY because of the location of the incision. Hope this helps!
   — Jenny S.

April 11, 2003
I thought the pain from my c-section was much worse than from the open RNY. I didn't take any pain meds after leaving the hospital and returned to work in two weeks. I probably could have returned sooner, but my surgeon didn't release me til 12 days post-op. My incision from my c-section ran from my belly button down and the RNY ran from the breast bone to the belly button. I say ran, because I had a hernia repair and tummy tuck February 4 and now the incisions are different.
   — Patty_Butler

April 11, 2003
I have had 2 c secs .. a hysterectomy and hernia repair .. My incision with open RNY is from bra line to 1 inch below navel .. I would say the pain was about the same on all .. you have pain meds .. its all very tollerable .. dont worry about it ..really its not that bad love Ruthie N Sc
   — ruthie

April 11, 2003
I also had 2 c-sections before surgery, the pain level was about the same, but the difference was you dont have a newborn to take care of while recoverying so you can focus on taking care of yourself and not a baby as well. Good luck
   — Stephanie F.

April 12, 2003
Ive had 2 csections in 1995 and 1997 and had my RNY just two months ago. The pain and recovery are about the same. They will give you plenty of pain meds in the hosp. Good Luck!
   — Kris T.

April 12, 2003
Two C-sections here. Open RNY was easier--not only from the aspect of not having to care for an infant, but also ease of sitting on a toilet!! Good luck
   — Wannabe A.

April 12, 2003
Amy, I had a c-section in 1985,I also was cut up and down due to my size. I had an open RNY in January of this year. I had very little pain form either surgery. I did have a morphine pump after the RNY but did not use it very much, just like before I got out of bed the first couple of days. I also did not use much pain meds when I had my son as I wanted to be alert and hold him all the time. Best of luck to you on this journey. God Bless.<><
   — garnet156

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