For the ladies- regarding missed period . . .

Sorry if this has been asked before, just wondering about personal experiences regarding being late with your period. I'm 23 and 1 year post-op and I reached my goal weight and actually still losing (I'm 125# now). But I have always been irregular and was taken off the pill 6 months ago. And stupid me doesn't keep track of my periods, but I haven't gotten one in a while. It could be as early as 2 months ago, but as late as 3 months ago since my last one. Has this happened to you?Maybe I'm just a little scared. Thanks!    — Lezlie Y. (posted on May 28, 2003)

May 28, 2003
Hi! Having gone through this myself recently (my experience involved a lot of panicking!), I was told by my gyn that I was late (missed 2 periods) because of going off of the pill. She said that some people's bodies get so used to being regulated by the pill, that when they go off, their body doesn't know it should take over . . . it is still waiting for the pill to get your period going (even though I had one "natural" period since I went off the pill, it just worked that way). She gave me the option of putting me on hormones, which she didn't recommend at this point, or waiting another month or two to see if it came naturally. And it did . . .while I was on vacation of course! And of course, they did pregnancy tests which totally eliminated that possibility. But, there may be the other possibility, so I would recommend taking a pregnancy test ASAP if you think that could be a possibility! :o)I hope this helps and good luck to you!!
   — Trisha H.

May 29, 2003
I am not trying to be rude and I hope that no one takes this the wrong way but, if you miss a period or think you have missed a period and you are having sex TAKE A TEST. They are not that expensive EPT is the best and that will put one worry out of your mind. Worrying about a missed period will do nothing but make the wait even longer.My experiance with home pregnancy tests have been many. But with each time I was really pregnant I was only a day or two late if that and the tests were very accurate. The most I have paid for one is 18$ and it came with two tests. I even had a home pregnancy test come back positive when the blood test at the hospitol came back negative. I was pregnant EPT was right doc's were wrong. Being late can be anything from changing how you eat, what you eat, exercise, stress, or any number of things physically wrong but pregnancy is the easiest one to rule out. I really dont' want anyone to take this wrong and hope no one does but please if you miss a period get a test then if that is negative go to the GYN if you really want your period they can give you hormones to make you have your period.
   — S C.

May 29, 2003
I would call your gyn and have them examine you or test you for preg. as the first poster stated also that since you went off the pill your body probably needs to adj. but diffently call your dr expecially if you have been sexual active. good luck
   — Deanna Wise

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