Updated information needed for 5HTP.

Does anyone take 5HTP. I can get all the song and dance online but I would like some first hand experience from someone that has taken it. I take wellbutrin by the way. I am looking for something that will give me more energy and go. I am at goal weight and I am getting in all my vits. and protein but I just seem do drag sometimes. Any info would be appreciated thank you. (open RNY 2/23/2002, -167lbs)    — Oldsoul (posted on June 14, 2003)

June 14, 2003
Try this site, it's a free site run for depression issues and other health issues, many of the members have had this surgery, or are awaiting it, but there is alot of info on meds and you can post questions on a specific drug there as well.
   — gary viscio

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