Lupus Question

My mother just found out she has Lupus. Which of course, means I'm in a high risk category for getting it. What I want to know is...should I be tested for it before surgery and if I do and it is positive, can I still have surgery?    — Renee B. (posted on June 20, 2003)

June 20, 2003
Hi Renee, I have Lupus and I'm 4 weeks post op. No problems whatsoever. Just because your mother has Lupus, doesnt necessarily put you at higher risk for Lupus. No one is truly sure what causes lupus in women, or if it is even heredity based. I wouldnt worry about getting tested, unless youre showing symptoms..Lupus testing is very involved and requires ALOT of tests for a correct diagnosis. You may want to talk to your DR about it, but i wouldnt lose sleep :) Lisa
   — Goodgirl

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