after surgery is body building obtainable?

body builders eat alot of food especially protien to build there muscles up, how would someone after this surgery do this, I'm still in the beginning stages of getting this surgery and just wondered, getting healthy is the main thing for me, body building has always been a dream. thanks.    — blank first name B. (posted on August 1, 2003)

August 1, 2003
Yes it is possible. Depending on how much skin you have left over after you lose your weight you may not be as tight as other people, but body building is possible after WLS. I am 14 mos out and am a pretty aggressive body builder/trainer. I do not compete or anything because of excess skin and I am not as hard or as big as I would like to be, but it is possible.
   — Teena A.

August 1, 2003
I eat foods high in protein and protein supplements. You have to post op WLS to prevent loss of muscle mass and to prevent muscle wasting. It is possible. You can do it. Make it your goal and stick to it.
   — Teena A.

August 1, 2003
I eat foods high in protein and protein supplements. You have to post op WLS to prevent loss of muscle mass and to prevent muscle wasting. It is possible. You can do it. Make it your goal and stick to it.
   — Teena A.

August 1, 2003
Yes it is possible. While not a true all out body builder, I have been doing the Body For Life program with intense weight lifting sessions several times a week for about 6 months now. I do eat more and started eating 6 times a day rather than just 3, with the extra meals generally being high protein things like cottage cheese or protein shakes or bars. My body fat percentage is much lower now, and my shape has changed drastically with the increased and more defined muscles despite only losing 35 pounds or so (I'm 16 motnhs post-op). Family who saw me at Christmas did nto recognize me at Easter! Just be aware you will feel hungrier and will need to increase your caloric and protein intake.
   — Melissa F.

August 1, 2003
Eat often, eat lots of protein. I am not a body builder, but I do work with weights and am extremely pleased with my results...The Body for Life program is excellent, I have used it before and plan to again to get in the best shape I have ever been in! Jerky, nuts, protein bars/shakes, cheese, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, etc....
   — missmollyk

August 1, 2003
John, I know this girl isn't a body builder but very close. Check out her pics! She's amazing!
   — SMG I.

August 1, 2003
I would never call myself a body builder, but I'm doing my cardio six times a week and weight training at least five times a week, and I'm getting some good muscles.. I'm pleased with my progress and I sure do work hard.. have had more than one comment about my progress at the gym. I think you should GO for it! The only problem I have now is, some of my muscles are not so visible due to hanging skin.. BUT the muscles sure do help that a little... GO FOR IT! Its really a great feeling.. I love working out!
   — Lisa C.

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