I have a few questions I'd like to ask all rolled in to one post...

1) My surgeon doesn't have me see a nutrutionist pre op, but in the hospital, is that normal?? 2) My surgery is 1 month from now, what should I do other than buy my liquid diet food and get my Vitamin's, etc to prepare for this surgery. What would you have done had you have it to do all over again? I am having a very Proximal RNY. 3) I gave my new work schedule for the next 2 months to my employer. When asked why I needed the time off, I said I was having surgery. I told her that I wanted to keep it private, and I didn't tell her what kind of surgery I was having. Question is, what do I say when my weight loss is apparent? Not that I feel embarrased having WLS, but I don't want to tell these people. These are not the people who will understand. I will be given a lot of _______ if they found out. 4) I would like to 'jumpstart' my weight loss by dieting now, pre op. However, I feel compelled to eat all the junk I can, since I wont be able to do so post op. I am not a drinker as well, but yesterday, I bought a large bottle of Rum, knowing I could never finish it in 6 months, let alone a month. Why did I do that? Now it's like I am sabbotaging myself and my Weight Loss before it even starts! I am planning my 'last meal', but there is so much I want one last time of, it would take me the last week's full of meals. Help! 5) We drink city water. But recently we got a notice that we have elevated levels of Copper in our water. Should I only use bottled water, or just run the water like the city suggests? Sorry this was long winded, but I wanted to get it all in one post rather than 5 posts. Thanks in advance for your advice. Oh! I thought of another question!! :) Protein... I have read my different types of powder's to try. I have a GNC nearby. What should I try first? Is there a 'gold standard'?? Ok, I'm done. :) Bless you all, Annie    — Annie R. (posted on July 10, 2001)

July 10, 2001
Well I had a "series" of last meals. ;) Not sorry ether. But one thing I would change if I had to do it all over again concerns protein. You see it was the 6th week post op before I started protein! I could'nt find anything I liked. The only thing I can stand (hate the milk shake proteins) is the Pure Extreme Pro (Grape, never had the tropical yet). Even that is'nt good, but I can get it down. If I had it to do all over again, I would have found something I could drink BEFORE having the surgery, instead of trying to find something AFTERWARD when just "living" is a pain for a few weeks. ;) Another thing, if you are a sugar junkie, nip it in the bud now! I used Splenda a month before my surgery and cut my sugar intake gradually down to 25% of what I was using! Thank God too. It did help. And if you are a caffine addict, nip that too! You don't need caffine withdrawals on top of the normal surgery pains. Good luck to you. I'm 8 weeks post op and down 45.5 pounds. I had the Open RNY and the first 10 days were awful. It was 6 weeks before I "started" to get any strength or ambition. But everyone is different. I'd had 11 operations (not weight surgeries) and everyone takes more and more out of me, plus I'm 43 and not a spring chicken anymore. lol!
   — Danmark

July 10, 2001
It is ok to see the nutritionist in the hospital. Start walking every day, just a little and build up. It helps with the jitters and prepares your body and lungs better for the surgery. Tell people you are dieting -- eating less and exercising more. It doesn't have to be assumed that it was related to your surgery. DO NOT try to jump start your weight loss now. That is what the surgery is for, honey! Enjoy your 'last' meals. Eat lots of pie - that's my suggestion. I had a whole key lime pie the week prior, it was heavenly. Give the bottle of rum away to a friend. Alcohol with have 3 times the effect on you postop as it did preop! Keep this in mind, plus the extra calories are not needed!I don't know about your water, but you may find that the large gallon jugs are cheaper to drink. Check in the baby department at Osco Drug. I don't do protein supplements so I cannot advice. My surgeon does not recommend them to his rny patients. He asks that we get our protein from foods. For the first couple of weeks, that source was skim milk and powdered skim milk -- taken in creamed soups, sugar free pudding and sugar free yogurt. You might buy some of those before you go to the hospital. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

July 10, 2001
on the co-worker issues.....I had my gall bladder out at the same time and I told folks that because i had to eat easy after surgery that it kick started my weight loss and that now I'm working at it....
   — Sharon F.

July 10, 2001
Here's my 2 cents worth: 1. I've never seen a nutritionist and have done fine. I have gotten most of my nutrition information from people on this site! 2. Do something fun to take your mind off everything. 3. Tell them you're eating less and exercising more - that's the truth! 4. Don't "diet" now - enjoy your last meals. I can't tell you what to do with the rum as I don't drink. Maybe give it to a friend or better yet, pour it down the drain rather than being tempted. 5. I hate our city water and have found the best investment we've ever made is a reverse osmosis system. It cost a little money, but it's been worth EVERY dime we spent on it. If you can't do that you might pick up one of the filtering water pitchers. 6. Protein - my suggestion is to NOT go out and buy a large can of protein powder until you know you can tolerate it. I ended up throwing away two jars that cost about $30 each because I couldn't stand them! My favorite protein is the kind that tastes like juice or gatorade. I buy mine in a bottle at the health food store. Good luck and keep visiting this site you will get so much helpful information here!!!
   — georgiacarol

July 11, 2001
Hi Annie, I just wanted to give you an answer to the protein drink question. My nutritionist suggested the Carnation Instant Breakfast SUGAR FREE powder. I take it two ways...Either blended in the blender: 4 ounces of skim milk, 1/2 packet of the powder with about 4 or 5 ice cubes and a 1/4 banana when I am really hungry, or mixed with 4 ounces of skim milk and 1/2 a packet mixed well in a glass. It mixes easily and isn't lumpy at all if you mix it very fast and it is delicious. I like the chocolate much better than the vanilla, but that's just personal preference. It is MUCH cheaper than all the GNC brands and tastes much a treat. Good luck
   — Vicki K.

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