My surgery is Tuesday at the BTC. Do I need pajamas or other clothes?

My pre-op information from the BTC says to bring a robe and slippers. Some of the lists I have seen also say to bring a robe. I forgot to ask at my pre-op appointment whether or not I also need pajamas and other clothing? Will they give me hospital gowns to wear? I am very hot natured, so a robe and a hospital gown might be too warm for me. I am trying to pack lightly. Any suggestions? Thanks.    — jm3218 (posted on March 15, 2002)

March 15, 2002
I brought a robe, slippers and my own pillow. Wear loose comfy clothes going in and wear them again going home. If you don't bring your own slippers, the hospital will furnish booties for you. I also brought a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and a magazine. The hospital will also furnish those for you too.
   — Mary C.

March 15, 2002
Jackie ~ Good Luck with your surgery! I brought two brand new night gowns with me, but in my four nights there I only changed hospital gowns. I felt too yucky to wear anything else, and the new, fresh nightgowns were a nice treat when I came home. My robe, however was very useful for walking the halls and being transported two times to radiology. P.S. - It was a short sleeve robe, which was convenient, considering the IV attached to my hand. I also brought a few pairs of big, cotton undies, which I did take advantage of, and my slippers. That is seriously all that I really needed to bring with me. I wore the same comfy outfit that I wore to the hospital, on my way home. Best of luck for a speedy recovery!
   — PaulaM

March 15, 2002
To be honest with you, I just braught myself. The hospital supplyed the gown which is huge, my husband braught my robe which i didnt even wear. They supplyed the deoderatn lotion toothbrush toothpaste mouth wash soap...I wore sweats in and wore my sweats out...good luck you ur surgery my thoughts and prayers are with u and wish you a speedy recovery
   — Deanna Wise

March 15, 2002
I plan to take my own slippers. Even if the hospital supplies booties, I'm not sure I could get them on by myself. Easier to have a pair of slippers I can just slide into and out of.
   — garw

March 17, 2002
Hi there....When I went into the hospital for my surgery. I packed a travel bag...some of the things i put in it were slippers, my own pj's, amy own toothbrush and toothpaste, my own shampoo, my own blanket(just call me Linus!) and my own pillow from home! As silly as it sounds, all these things helped me out in the hospital, I felt less home sick because I surround myself with things that were mine!!! Hope this helps...and good luck
   — Antonia D.

July 29, 2003
I am bringing: #1. Body Pillow... My huge pillow I can't sleep without #2. Comfy cotton jammies....I remember after having my baby, my own jammies were the best. they are loose fitting and soft. #3. I bought slippers I can wear "with" the slipper socks, with good padding for shock absorbers. #4. Toothbrush/Toothpaste #5. Underwear (extra pairs) #6. A pony tail holder for my hair. #7. A Glasses case for my glasses while I am in surgery. #8. Feminine protection (just in case) #9. Dove soap (so I can feel always nicely clean at least on my hands and face) #10. A notebook to journal in while I am in the hospital, with my favorite pen. #11. Phone numbers of all my friends. #12. Clean socks #13. Loose sweat pants and a loose cotton tee shirt for leaving the hospital. (this will probably be the same outfit I wear there.) #14. daily medications that can still be administered at the hospital... (for me this is synthroid for thyroid problem) #15. My favorite magazine. #16. Last minute questions for the surgeon Last but not least; My husband, and support team (mom, sisters, friends, etc...) A smile on my face :) Cause this day has finally come!
   — KismetQT

July 29, 2003
Bring a phone card. Everyone I wanted to call was out of the area since I went 90 miles away to have surgery. The hospital did not allow me to phone out of the area code so the phone card came in handy. Since I was by myself during my stay, I confess I had to charge up my card and add more minutes. I did use my own brush and makeup for the day I went home--but the clothes I wore in were the clothes I wore out, co wear loose, comfy clothes. If you have a lesiure bra or large bra, bring it.
   — Margaret S.

March 17, 2008
All of the previous replies has pretty well covered everything, however, I will add one thing about the gowns. I hate wearing hospital gowns with all the strings to tie, etc and showing your backside. When I had my obdominal surgery 2 years ago, I went to Walmart and bought some inexpensive soft, pastel, knit shirt-type gowns. These were short-sleeves and I took my serger and made a seam down the top of each sleeve. Then I took soft velco strips and sewed them on these seams. I ended up with a pretty, comfortable gown that could easily be worn without disturbing the IV. I had made about 4 of those for that hospital stay. I now just keep those gowns for when I do have to be in the hospital.
   — ShirleyF

April 19, 2009
There are 2 things they told me to bring: My Current Mediations and my C-PAP machine
   — 2bethinatlast

April 19, 2009
along with everything else mentioned, dont forget to bring chapstick, the air is so dry in the hospital and my lips were dry and chapped post op. Somebody on the losers bench told me to bring chapstick and they were right!
   — sassy1696

April 10, 2012
Thanks for the above answers. The closer my date gets, I find I am not thinking as clearly. Now I have my bag ready! I also heard somewhere to bring sugar free cough drops.
   — bpkpenguin

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