Are AA Women able to get rid of scars after Baratric and Plastic Surgery?

I am a pre-op trying to find out if the scar ever goes away from surgery, if the scars will go away after plastic surgery and what you have to use on your skin to avoid scaring?    — Angela B. (posted on June 5, 2002)

June 5, 2002
Thick, ropy scars--called keloid scars--are common after surgery in dark-skinned peoples (not just those of African descent), though they also form in some with lighter skin. I'm told that Mederma (a pricey over-the-counter medication) helps some folks. If that doesn't help, outpatient laser surgery to reduce the scars is a possibility.
   — Kay B.

June 5, 2002
I had breast reduction and my scars are almost completely gone. I think it just depends on your body. I used lots of vitamin E cream and definitely don't pick or scratch at your sutures. The one place I have a small light patch is the one place I tended to pick at.
   — Tonya S.

June 5, 2002
I just asked the doctor this question today because I am worried about keloids after surgery, and he said that it depends on the individual. I had a (really ugly) keloid on my hand a long time ago and had it treated with some type of medicated patches that I had received from my doc. It did eventually go away. Now, you can't even tell it was there. It was very strange because I have since had other scars on my body without any keloids. I had a lump removed from my breast and they made a horrible looking incision. That was 3 years ago and now the scar is very minimal. It is very light now and did not keloid at all. If you have had your ears pierced, recall your body's reaction to that. They say that is usually an indicator. Sorry to ramble. Hope this helped.
   — MoLyn

June 5, 2002
My Plastic Surgeon told me about a product calld kelo-cote. you can find it at It is surpose to be better than merderma. I think it is a pretty good product.
   — Sharon T.

February 13, 2003
I agree that the key to this problem is using Vitamin E Oil to lubricate the scars. As you do this the scars soften and fade away nicely to the point where there not as noticeable . I have had several stomach surgeries and this really has helped. Now the only thing that is left are some raised surfaces where the scars once were. Good luck to everyone having this surgery.
   — cinnamongirl

March 22, 2003
I am a fair skinned white girl and all 5 incisions went keloid. I went to see my surgeon for my 6mos. post-op follow-up and almost lost my mind when I had a chat with a dark skinned black lady in the waiting room. She was 1 week post-op and I asked her if I could see her incisions. I could BARELY see them! Hers were little white lines. Mine never looked that good. I don't think it matters what your ethnicity is. Just some are lucky and the rest of us are not. So far I have not physically met any other keloid post-ops. I am using mederma and messaging the scars. I will get cortizone injections if I do not see improvement.
   — Michelle H.

December 26, 2003
I am an AA dark-skinned woman dealing with scars. I have scars from a c-section 13 yrs ago. My surgery scar seemed minor at first but then got worse as it totally healed. I have used the expensive creams to no avail. Thanks for posting this question. I will try some of the suggested solutions.
   — Ms Jean

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