Must you be a Post-Op to be an Angel

Just wondering if I have to be a post-op to be someone's angel? Thank you    — TexFlutterby (posted on June 26, 2002)

June 26, 2002
Call me sappy- but, I think if you have to ask if you can be an angel, you are already halfway to being one. My opinion, no, you don't have to be post-op. You just need to be there, and it sounds to me like you already are. :p
   — Karen R.

June 26, 2002
No, you don't have to be post op to be an angel. Being an angel means being there for the person whom you are an angel to, being supportive, and sharing whatever information you have with that person that will help them through their surgery process.
   — Hackett

June 27, 2002
Hi Janie! Out here in the wilds of Oregon we kind of started something that helps pre ops and post ops alike. For my surgery I had a pre op angel and a post op crone (her choice of title..LOL) I was also an angel three times as a pre op. I think donning the wings as a pre op is an invaluable way to to learn what to expect once you have had your own surgery. Just be sure to take the time to get to know the person you are being angel for so that you know their wishes and anything about them that you may need to know to be a good advocate for them in the hospital. I also found it a great way to meet the nursing staff and learn the 'lay of the land' at the medical center. God bless!
   — Joscelin

July 5, 2002
Janie, My niece was & still is my Angel. She was my RNY Angel during my surgery & I was her RNY Angel during her surgery. NO you do not have to be post-op/pre-op,anyone can be your Angel,even if they don't need the surgery. An Angel looks in on you after surgery, gives you the support you need & gives the RNY website an up-date on you. A close relative/friend makes a Great Angel. Lots Of Hugs
   — Janet C.

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