Does anyone else experience this.....? spitting

I am almost 7weeks post-op and frequently when I eat it feels like the food gets stuck in my esophagus and then my mouth starts to water and all I can do is spit and spit and spit. I never throw up but sometimes it is so uncomfortable that I wish I knew how to make myself throw up. Then it passes. Does anyone else experience these spitting situations and why does this happen?? Denise Davis 256/211/140    — Denise D. (posted on August 15, 2003)

August 15, 2003
Yes, It was horrible! I thought it was just part of the "healing" process and put up with it for 3 months. Then I did a little research and realized that I had a stricture. I had a dilitation in May and I haven't had a problem since. I can eat anything now, where as before I was restricted to very soft foods like mashed potatoes. Give your doctor a call. Good luck!
   — jerzeygirl71

August 15, 2003
Yes this is definately a symptom of a stricture....I've had 4 in the 2 months since surgery.
   — jennifer A.

August 15, 2003
It sounds like a stricture, I had the same symptoms. I had a scope and dialation of my stoma and now I feel great!!
   — Lois B.

August 15, 2003
Hi Denise. Other posters have said that this is a symptom of a stricture, but I 'get the spits' occasionally, and I've learned for me that it means I've eaten too fast, or eaten something that just doesn't agree with me. Most leftovers don't sit well, and I get the spits (so now I avoid them!). Sometimes I'd just sit and spit for an hour or so, knowing that I was not going to throw up, and that the feeling will pass. There's a definite difference in sensation when what you've eaten is going to come back up... So if you rule out that you've not eaten too fast, too large a bite, or that the food is not agreeing with you, and if this is happening very often, it may be a good idea to get checked for a stricture. Good luck!
   — Judy M.

August 16, 2003
Denise, I get this when I have eaten too much or too fast. It is like sinus running in your throat and you have to yuck it up (soory to be so gross)
   — Delores S.

August 17, 2003
You are eating too much, and too fast! I doubt it's a stricture. I had the very same thing happen to me. I even made reference to it in my profile to warn others. Slow down, you'll be fine.

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