Does anyones upper stomach stick out after eating?

I'm 20 months post-op and lately everytime I eat or drink something my upper stomach...that is the part of my that is above my waistline pokes out. It now sticks out more then my lower stomach and my breast. For instance all I've had today has been crackers with peanut butter, a latte, a protein drink and water - but you just looked at my stomach you would think that I just eat my way through Safeway. Has anyone else had this problem? Should I call my doctor?    — Kimberley D. (posted on June 23, 2004)

June 23, 2004
Call your surgeon ASAP, you may have a hernia, in any case it needs checked out. Please report back here and let us know what up.
   — bob-haller

June 23, 2004
ok.. im dying to see what the answers are here.. i have the same prob, im also 19 months out, 222lbs down, started at 389/weigh 167 now, and had a tummy tuck w/ midline tightning as well 2 months i was just thinking maybe this is how reg people feel after eating? (but it happens to me after drinking too).... good luck ill be looking back to see what people say, oh and i would love to call my doc but he unfortunately isnt practicing anymore :(
   — Erinn M.

June 23, 2004
By all means have it checked out and let us know what the problem is. I too am almost 20 months and having the same problem. Not only is the tummy distended but it is sometime painful. I am scheduled to be scoped next week. I will post what they find. Up until recently I have never had this problem. My weight is normal (I am at goal) and I feel great. It is just that big tummy. I even have trouble with my cloths now.
   — debbie11092002

June 23, 2004
Thanks for the feedback. I have called my surgeon who told me to go see my PCP as soon as possible. The nurse in my surgeons office felt that it could be a hernia too. I have an appointment next Tuesday afternoon...I'll let you know what happens. Thanks again - Kimberley
   — Kimberley D.

June 23, 2004
   — shannon P.

June 23, 2004
You have a hernia possibly--I do and this was my first indication--it has since gotten very large. Good luck!
   — dill P.

June 24, 2004
Please let me know the answer to that because I have the same problem. I had that issue for months, but didn't think anything of it until I seen this post. lol
   — MarkietaKennedy

June 24, 2004
It sounds like a hernia to me. I have one. Don't panic! They are not as dangerous as you might think. Here is advice form my surgeon: If it does not constantly stick out, if you can lie on your stomach and mash it gently back in, if you are not in pain, then it is not an emergency. In fact you can choose not to have anything at all done. BUT...if it hurts, or does not go back in when gently pushed you need to have it checked on. Basically it is where abdominal muscles did not grow back together completely and your intestine pokes through. After you eat and your intyestine has food in it it will be sometimes very pronounced. (mine sometimes looks like the alien movies when the girl has one popping out of her stomach! haha) If your intestine is stuck in a small split in your abdominal muscles it will not go back doen and will become painful because circulation can be cut off to that porttion of your intestine. This is serious and needs to be seen ASAP. As for me, I have had mine for some tiem and intend to keep it unless it becomes a problem. Check with your doctor about what you should do. Leda
   — lmaxwell

June 24, 2004
I have the same problem too, and my wls surgeon said it was infact a hernia. It will have to be repaired, and he said not to do any abdominal exercises, or any heavy lifting, so I dont cause any further problems, or damage. I see the ps surgeon next week to have it repaired durring the tt. Good luck, enjoy the ride!
   — wizz46

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