Why does Zoloft make you gain weight?

I started taking Zoloft last month and I've read were a lot of people are gaining weight...does anyone know why?    — Kimberley D. (posted on July 28, 2004)

July 28, 2004
I don't know why, but I know that I gained 80 pounds after I started Zoloft. I also had a failed pregnancy a few months before I started the Zoloft. I think there may be a hormonal link. I've had a hard time getting psychiatric professionals to believe me that Zoloft is linked to weight gain. However, based on personal experience and the stories of a whole lot of people on this board and elsewhere, I say be careful. It is deceptive because you will feel like you have more energy, even are more ready to follow your diet, but watch the scale. I'm guessing this will be less difficult for a post op. Also, be sure that Zoloft is what you need. If you truly suffer from clinical depression and the Zoloft relieves your symptoms, that's great. If you have another condition that only looks like depression or if the Zoloft doesn't really help, then you may be introducing things into your body for no good reason. Just some thoughts, wish I had more concrete answers. Kathryn
   — kcanges

July 29, 2004
I've been taking Zoloft for several years and I'm currently 16 months post-op WLS. Zoloft didn't cause a weight gain before or after surgery. Guess it depends on the individual.
   — Jeana B.

July 29, 2004
Just to throw in my 2 cents, Zoloft is one of the few medications I've take pre & post-op that didn't make me gain any weight. But, I know different meds react differently with different body chemistries.
   — klinzey

July 29, 2004
Hi there-I know everyone has different reactions to certain antidepressants. I've been taking Zoloft for about 4 years now...I gained alot of weight taking it because it really increased my hunger. I was truly hungry all the time. I'm recovering from binge eating/bulimia so it's not 100% Zoloft that caused me to gain the weight but it did contribute alot. I got so frustrated at times that I stopped taking the medication. I take Zoloft for anxiety attakcs and once I stopped taking it my hunger decreased, but the physical anxiety symptoms(muscle tension, heart skipping beats, stuttering,etc)came right back. I tried Wellbutrin for awhile, that controlled the hunger but not anxiety symptoms. So I'm nearly 5 months post-op 100 lbs down and still take it. My new pouch controlls my hunger so I'm fine. That's just been my experience...feel free to E-mail me if you have any further questions :) Hope Zoloft works as well on you as it has for me.
   — mzcath

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