Am I normal to feel like I'm failing at 2 weeks post-op? post-op depression?

I am really in the dumps today. Am i feeling the normal post-op blues? I feel like I am failing already. I just started on soft foods and I haven't dumped yet. Am I just whining? Any suggestions?    — Rhonda P. (posted on February 11, 2000)

February 11, 2000
Rhonda, I don't know for sure but it sounds like you are experiencing some post-surgical depression. I had it once after a shoulder surgery and thought I would kill myself I was so blue. I think it is more normal than is widely known. I also think it was something to do with the anesthetic they use. Tell yourself that in just 1 week you will feel better and you will probably feel better before then. If not, talk to your doctor or pcp provider. I dont think you want to dump, you are just expecting it. I promise you that you will feel better someday it's just getting to that day that is so hard. I am thinking of you.
   — Mary G.

February 11, 2000
In response to your two week post op depression. I am four weeks post op and am now feeling normal again. The first two - three weeks were hell for me emotionally. I felt like i was never going to be the same again and like i had mutilated myself. It was very difficult for me and my family. The third week i went back to work for a few half days and that kind of got me back to reality and i started to feel better. It will get better for you too. Some people i have talked with say it can take as long as six weeks. Just remember that it is normal and is not forever. Diana G lap RNY 1/13/00 275# start 245# now Dr. Champion in Atlanta
   — Diana G.

February 11, 2000
You're very normal. I began my depression the 5 th day post op. My family was eating a big meal and I was on liguids. I couldn't beleive what I'd done to myself. I said "I'll never eat a normal meal again". Of course, that's not true but I felt like it. The first couple of weeks were hard, sore, minimal diet, and just adjusting to this lifestyle change and permenance of it. It's not like the normal diets we've been on, if we decided we wanted more, we just ate it.This surgery physically makes us stop. It's good though, because I'd never been able to control my intake without this surgery. I'm 1 month postop. My scales this am say 28 #'s gone. My clothes are looser and people are beginning to notice. All that makes surgery worhtwhile. I still don't have all my energy back, but I know it's coming. I've been back at work since 2 week post op. Good luck and hang in there. It'll get better. Email me anytime [email protected] Lou Ann
   — Lou Ann J.

February 25, 2000
Wow, I am sooooo glad I read this post. I was beginning to feel like there was something wrong with me, hahaha. I am 18 days post op, and feel horrible. I was beginning to wonder just what I did to myself. I am still sore in spots. I get grossed out everytime I take a shower and see the staple line and hole. I am frustrated because I can't bend down to pick things up off the floor. I can't walk but 2 blocks and I am ready for a nap. I can't go shopping. I can't clean. And I am dreaming of the Pizza Hut Buffet. I have had no problems with my diet so far. But I am scared to death to introduce any "new foods" because I hear so much about people getting sick and throwing up. It is just so good to know that everything I am going through is normal for this stage. Thanks!
   — Roseann Y.

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