Has anyone else experienced this problem?

The tops of both of my legs are numb and burn like they are on fire. They tingle like they are asleep. I am not getting to walk like I should because the pain is so great. Standing up for a few minutes and it hurts so badly I can not pick my legs up to walk but have to drag them. I went to see specialist last week he suggested that the skin apron may be causing this and started me on Neurontin to see if this will help. He wants me to take it 4 times a day after slowly working up from one pill a day. Has anyone else ever experienced this and did anything help? Can not think about having excess skin removed for a least six months but have been doing too good not to be able to exercise now.    — Rebecca D. (posted on November 27, 2000)

November 26, 2000
Don't think that it is the apron...I am only 1 week and a half post op and I have the same pins and needles in my upper thighs, not a severe, mostly in my sleep. I remember that I had something similar after having a overan cyst removed about 7 years ago, and I was a lot lighter then. I think that it comes from the demoral injections that I received in the thighs and buttox muscles in the hospital for pain. I remember that last time it took months to finally go away, butit did, I would love to compare notes, perhaps we can solve this one together!!
   — Jamelle S.

November 27, 2000
If it is the apron, be sure to document all of this. That way you have a good chance of insurance paying for its removal because it is causing health issues - not just for cosmetic reasons.
   — Paula G.

November 27, 2000
I think maybe you should see another doctor and get a second opinion. If you had surgery fairly recently, smoke or use birth control, etc.... it could be more, blood clots. Are you diabetic or are your blood sugars high? Is the skin on the top of your legs red, dry, tight, (any visual clues)? Diabetics can develop neuropathy, which can cause the pin prickly feeling or lack of feeling all together. The sensation you describe as "falling asleep" concerns me because this could be a lack of oxygen (blood clot or arteries in you thighs/groin being clogged --kind of like someone with heart disease. How are the peripheral pulses, the one behing your knee, one behind the inside of your ankle bone, and the one on the top of your foot (the artery usually aims down toward the big toe). If you respond to the question I posted, when you describe the pulse, put your response into -- 0-nonexistant, 1-weak, 2-normal, or 3-bounding (that is very strong, like "normal" people have after exercise. It almost feels as if the blood could explode out of the artery. Sometimes you can see it with your eyes.) Also, have your excercised hard lately--does it feel like sore muscles (lactic acid build up). Is the pain you experience just on the skin or does it feel deep? Do you have any pinpoint bruising (sometimes it is tiny little red/purple pin prick looking spots)is so this is called petichia (spelling?) If you do --go see someone else NOW. And Lastly, are you having any difficulty breating? If so, go see someone NOW!! Well, didn't mean to scare you if I did. Let us know.
   — Carol H.

November 27, 2000
Has anyone done tests to check out your back?? I have the same pains in my legs and haven't had WLS yet. I have had back surgery and now have scar tissue where I had surgery plus the pressure of all the weight I carry has caused nerve compression that causes the weird pains in my legs and feet. Has carrying the fat apron pulled your back to where you have ruptured disks or degenerative disk disease from being overweight? I have never had back pain, all my pain has been in my legs and feet. By the way I'm on Neurontin 1200mg three times a day. I'm hoping that getting the weight off will lessen the nerve compression in my back but I will need to deal with a left over apron too. Do see a doctor who will do further testing, just guessing at the problem isnt the way to go, you need more testing.Good luck.
   — Helen B.

November 30, 2000
Hi all!! I posted before that I was also having the same pronbem, just not a severe!! Well I just left my Doctors office and I told him about the pins and needles in my legs, and he told me that it is not uncommon, see I had the Lap procedure, and my doctor straps us down across our thighs and then for part of the surgery we are actually standing up and for the other part we are on an angle, so the pain that I am experiening is from the pressure that was put on my thighs during the surgery!!
   — Jamelle S.

August 13, 2001
I had the same problem in my left leg. As soon as I started taking my vitamins, the problem went away. It was explained to me that it was the lack of certain vitamins that causes this.
   — Terry H.

August 24, 2001
Im having the same problem. It is the strangest feeling. It is very uncomfortable. Anyone else have the same problem?
   — JENN *.

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