How can I be off my diabetes medicine for 30 days when I have surgery?

i am on 2 shots a day and 2 pill i a fraid my suger will mess up when i am in surgery and i am post op. to be off some medicine for 30 days how that going to wark like if i mis pill i get hot flashes this mess my nerves up bad what should i do ??????    — virginia B. (posted on August 27, 2001)

August 27, 2001
When you are in the hospital they will keep track of your sugar and give meds as needed. The doctor will tell you how to take meds when you go home. I was on pills twice a day for sugar and have not had any meds now for over a year. My count stays in the normal range now. Best of luck.
   — Donna A.

August 27, 2001
I'm not sure I understand. Why would you be off of your diabetes meds for a month before surgery? That's not a good idea! I took my diabetes meds up until the day before surgery, including my insulin. They checked my blood sugar before and after surgery and only gave me insulin when I needed it, and then only 1/2 the dose I used to take. Check with your PCP and your surgeon to make sure. I've never heard of someone being told to suddenly stop taking their diabetes meds. Sounds dangerous to me.
   — Maria H.

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