I have intermittent vomiting, What could be causing this?

I have had gastric bypass surgery almost 6 years ago and for the last year I have been getting sick during or after meals and having severe pain in right side and middle of abdomen then vomiting for 2 to 3 hours sometimes. I try to drink water at these times and it comes back up wont even go through. I have had 2 upper GI and noone seems to have any answers but I am tired of living like this, with no answers. If anyone has any ideas please let me know Thanks    — angelkisses9136 (posted on February 26, 2002)

February 26, 2002
Do you still have your gallbladder? When i had gallstones I had the same symptoms your having. If you still have you gb you may want to have an ultrsound done to tell if you have stones. They don't often show up in gi's. just a thought. Good Luck!
   — [Anonymous]

February 26, 2002
I've seen some pretty bizarre things in the last year or so. You said you get sick DURING eating? Can you feel the liquids pass on through your intestine? Do you have any sort of normal full/empty sensation going on? Everything had been fine up til now? You can email me privately, if you'd prefer.
   — vitalady

February 26, 2002
I am wondering about the gall bladder as well, I had the same problems. Does the pain feel like it generates to your back, like it is cuting straight through you? You may want to see about an ultrasound. It is amazing how much better you feel when you get that sack of stones out of you. I hope thats all it is...... good luck!~
   — Sassy M.

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