Three months postop VBG on prednisone for the last month with no weight loss.

Since starting the prednisone a month ago, my weight loss has stopped. I was doing great until then having lost 40 pounds in the first two months. I need some encouragement/hope that the weightloss will continue. Please, if you've been on high-dose steroids after your surgery - RNY or VBG - I'd love to hear of your experience.    — gracie30269 (posted on March 21, 2002)

March 21, 2002
I, too, had a blood disorder growing up and was on predisone for a few years. I know it causes a great deal of weight gain. Thats not what you need right now. Maybe you can talk to your doctor and see if theres a sensible alternate method of treatment, maybe a different steroid? Keep us all informed. Good luck!
   — Kerry P.

March 21, 2002
If you are taking it for asthma, you should ask about trying an inhaled steriod. I switched from Prednisone to Advair and have had wonderful control of my asthma symptoms. I'm not hungry like I was on the Prednisone. Good luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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