Will I have to cut off my ring?

My weading ring will no longer come off my finger. Do you think I will have to get it cut off before surgery? I heard a few people mention that you can't have anything metal on in the OR.    — Amber L. (posted on July 7, 2002)

July 7, 2002
Yes, Amber. You will most likely have to have it cut off. I couldn't get mine off before I went to the hospital and they had to cut it off before they wheeled me into the O.R. <p>Go to any jeweler and have them cut it off for you. They will do less damage to the ring than the hospital staff will.
   — artistmama

July 7, 2002
You can check with the hospital, sometimes our hospital will tape over rings that people cant get off their fingers.
   — Pam W.

July 7, 2002
Have you tried spraying your finger with windex to get it off? That was suggested to my mom by a jeweler once. If nothing can get it off, then do go to a jeweler to have to cut off....they'll be more careful. You don't want anything metal on in case of emergency (it was explained to me that if they needed to use the electric paddles I couldn't have any metal on) Hope this helps!
   — Wendy C.

July 7, 2002
My wedding ring had not come off for 10 yrs. The anestesiologist kind of raised his eyebrows, but I would not let them cut mine off. Surgery went off fine.
   — Jean K.

July 7, 2002
Have a jeweler cut it off for you. It will have to be sized in a very few months anyway. If you can't stand to be without a ring many of the department stores have iexpensive gold bands. Maybe DH would buy you a temporary stand in. My rings are family heirlooms so I only want to size them once and not yet. I had Lane's initials tattooed on my ring finger a month pre-op. Guess I'd better keep him, eh?
   — phoebe

July 8, 2002
I had my diamond and wedding band on one hand, and my birthstone on the other...none of which even came close to coming off. All they did pre op was put tape around each ring. No one ever mentioned cutting them off, and there was no problem at all!
   — MaryBeth R.

July 8, 2002
i have heard, but not tried, that you can thread dental floss through your ring and then wrap up your finger tightly. then take the floss from the bottom and unwrap and the ring is suppose to come off. DON'T leave the floss on for a long time!! it will cut off your circulation. hope this works.
   — Jessica O.

July 8, 2002
I have had several minor surgeries and have never taken my rings off,they have always just put bandaides around them.Good
   — kim M.

July 8, 2002
I couldnt get my wedding ring off either. They just put a piece of tape around it. 1 month out I can slip that baby off no problem!
   — emilyfink

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