what are tongs for?

I am reading all the questions and answeres to find out as much as I can about wls and came across the question about tongs. You can only imagine what went through my mind. Please tell me what they are and what they are used for. Thanks.    — Angie L. (posted on July 22, 2002)

July 22, 2002
The tongs are to hold toilet paper or cleansing cloths so you can properly clean yourself in "hard to reach" areas. If you have open surgery like I did it is hard to bend after surgery. The idea seems ridiculous until you use them for the first time and don't have to require help in using the bathroom. I used the tongs in the hospital and for about 3 days at home. Gives you a extra reach when your sore body dosen't wanna bend.
   — Tonya H.

July 22, 2002
Angie, I haven't had to use tongs but Tonya is right. I know someone who has had to get her Husband to wipe her behind. I can't begain to conceive the distress that would cause.
   — Janet C.

July 22, 2002
Wooden spoon worked best for me, I wrapped the TP around it and it was perfect....I only needed it for about the 1st 2 weeks until I got my staples out.
   — Sharon H.

July 23, 2002
thanks for answering my question. I am glad to know I am not the only person who has a problem in this area.
   — Angie L.

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