Calling all tall (over 5'8) post-op females, age 40+, with photos please...

Could you tell me how to access your photos so that I can see what to expect body-wise at certain weights? I am 45, 5'9 1/2, 370 lbs and scheduled for open RNY distal on 8/14/02. I am feeling low and need inspiration! Thanks very much!    — Rebecca T. (posted on July 25, 2002)

July 25, 2002
Rebecca, Thought I would post, I'm well over 5"8, I'm 5"10, how-ever only 28 years old, but what the hey thought I would try to help you out. Im post op 2 months and 1 day open ryn. starting weight of 303 pounds currently 248 total loss 56 pounds. , anyways, my full body picture is on my profile, Thought I would be of some help, P.s. I'm build like an apple.
   — tannedtigress

July 25, 2002
I am 5'11", 47 years old, and had my VBG 13 months ago (at 340 lbs). I lost 147 lbs in the first 11 months. I don't have recent pictures yet, but, I can tell you that I went from a size 32 pants, and 4x-5x size tops (only wore big T-Shirts and elastic waist stretchy pants) to NOW - size 12/14 pants and Women's M or Misses L tops. I can slide right into booths in restaurants, get in behind my steering wheel with it in the normal position and still have a LONG was between it and my belly, ride the rides at Orlando with my kids for the first time in their lives, fit into an airplane seat with room to spare, theater seat with room to spare - get the picture?? I am a NORMAL person - NORMAL size!!!!
   — Cathy J.

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