Has anyone ever had

Hope I phrased that polite enough. I have incontenance with #1 but have little accidents with #2 if Im not careful.    — Angie L. (posted on August 15, 2002)

August 14, 2002
Angie, my friend had this exact problem. It was extremely embarrassing for her and caused her a great deal of problems at her work place because of complaints from coworkers. I don't know what causes this problem. If you find out, can you let me know?
   — Hackett

August 15, 2002
You have both problems? Pre-op? Perhaps the #1 problem will fade back with wt loss (unless you're "old" and it comes back again! LOL!). My #2 problem was diagnosed as IBS, which was treated unsuccessfully for 8 yrs. I found out very accidentally that I had become lactose intolerant over the years. Off milk, no suprises, back on, MANY suprises, off safe, on unsafe. But then my doc forbids milk for life anyway, so it became a moot issue. LOL! Try it for a few days. No milk, no ice cream, no butter milk (other dairy is fine), maybe 5 days? Then go back on.
   — vitalady

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