Why does my lower....

stomach make noises? Is it supposed to? I am confused!    — TP (posted on April 12, 2003)

April 12, 2003
lol yes it makes noises, but my surgen prescribed me Zantac 150 mg and I take it 2 times a day and my tummy stopped making noises no more rumbling, you might want to try that or maybe you have gas and chewable gasx tablets might help you as well Goodluck
   — Tammy 'Buckley McCool

April 12, 2003
After my VBG WLS 12yrs ago I started having tummy growls after eating. I found it quit embarrassing to eat then go to church services and other places that are relatively quiet public sites. My stomach could be heard several people down the row :o( Was hoping with a revision that it would perhaps elimate the noise problem... darn! Guess not huh! (Pre-Op Revision May 28'03)
   — WLS_Deb

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