
Ime a year out and have been off the pill since march, would like to have a baby, but have been gettin my period every 18 days like clockwork JUST LIKE WHEN I WAS OBESE!!! I thought once I lost the 131 pounds I did I would go back to normal 28 day cycles! This is NUTZ! Ive called my GYN but haven heard back from them, so now Im asking peers who may have exp with this. I want to have children but if this is going on how can it be! ARRGH! I KNOW I cant be ovulating! Whats gives! I feel horribly betrayed by my stupid body! Please help! Thanks. Dee 1YR Laproscopic RNY 131 pounds lost    — Dina L. (posted on May 22, 2003)

May 22, 2003
I'm sorry to hear about your dilemma. I can relate somewhat to what you're going through. I've always had wacky periods, especially when I was heavy. My doctor told me that once my weight is stabilized that I should have more regular cycles. So, I'm hoping that this will be soon. Although my periods are still quite painful, at least I can say they are more regular. I used to never know when I would get them or how long they would last. I do know that if you've been on birth control for a while that once you stop taking it, it can be up to a year before it's all out of your system, making it harder to get pregnant. But, of course, I'm not a doctor. So, if you can finally get a hold of yours, maybe they can give you a better insight on why things are going the way they are. Good Luck & Take Care. Congrats on your successful weight loss. Andrea Harrington Lap R-NY 12/00--Lost 138 pounds
   — Andrea H.

May 22, 2003
Hi Dee- I completely understand what you mean. But mine are whacky in every way- atleast you're getting yours! lol Sometimes I'll get it twice a month, or sometimes once every couple. But more recently, I honestly can't tell you the last time I had it which is beginning to scare me! My body is still adjusting to all my weight loss, and I assume it will calm down once I stop losing and have maintained for a while. Maybe the same with you? Hormones are hard to figure out! Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 22, 2003
My whacky periods were due to an over-active adrenal gland - something that isn't tested on a regular basis and took forever for them to discover. I suffered thru numerous tests for 5 years until they finally stumbled on this. One little pill a day for a year and I was pregnant - after that I was fertile Mirtle. I'd highly suggest having that checked! Oh, it also caused near constant ovulation - hence the frequent periods. 'bout drove me nuts!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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