Will Metamucil Fiber capsules be a problem post-op?

I take Metamucil fiber capsules for my chronic "problem" and find they work wonderfully for keeping me regular. With my high protein, high iron diet after surgery, I anticipate having more problems with constipation and am wondering if I can get these large pills down and if they'll be absorbed the same way with all the re-routed plumbing. Anyone use these or have a comment? Thanks!!    — Carly H. (posted on September 27, 2003)

September 27, 2003
Why not try Benefiber, it dissolves completely in water and has no taste to it from what I have been told.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 27, 2003
It shouldn't be a problem if you cut the pills in half, but as the other post mentioned Benefiber is good. I put it in everything because the iron pills are hard on my system.
   — Starrlina

September 27, 2003
I am 7 weeks post-op and I used Metamucil liquid before surgery, and after surgery I need something to help keep me regular, I was told not to use metamucil because it clogs up in your stomach (liquid)so I tried Benefiber and it did not work, i now use one teaspoon of Phillips Milk of Magnasia and it work great, keeps me regular and keeps my stools soft. You just have to try until you find what works for you. There are so many liquids out there, that I personally would not use a tablet unless it was the last resort. Some say Prune Juice once a day works good for them, but that did not work for me.
   — cindy

September 27, 2003
I do have this post op problem, and my only concern with the Metamucil gel-cap is if the gelcap would dissolve. I dropped one in a glass of water and it just sat there- so I use FIBERCON (2-4 a day depending on the severity of the problem) and Colace (same amount)
   — ~~Stacie~~

September 27, 2003
I started using metamusil sf powder in water in the mornign. It constipated me WORSE!! Colace doesn't seem to do it for me either so I may have to try the Milk of magnesia too. I hate living on stool softeners but if you have to you have to.
   — Happy I.

September 27, 2003
I take pain pills for a back condition that add to my constipation problems (I am sitting here right now taking milk of magnesia because I haven't gone in 8 days). I have tried metamucil, fibercon, prunes,etc. I got deathly ill from one last week and when I called my surgeon they said I shouldn't take any of those because they are bulking agents and can make the problem worse. They said to use milk of magnesia. I tried it last Sat. and it worked without cramping, etc. I was also taking stool softeners every day. They make the stool soft but if you don't have the urge to go, they won't help you go. I am also looking for answers because they don't want you hooked on laxatives but this constipation is the pits. I have only not had a stomach ache for 3 days since my surgery on 7/22 and that was for the 3 days after I took the milk of magnesia. I hate the taste and find I can't get down what I should. My doctor said I could take pills if they were magnesium hydro something (the same thing in MOM). I found Freelax, which is new and just tried to take those. Unfortunately, they are horse capsules. I cut them in half but could only get one down and it almost came up so I am not taking the second pill. Hopefully, the one will work. If anyone has a cure for this problem, please bring it on!
   — Melody B.

September 29, 2003
My nutritionist suggested Benefiber ... but make sure you read the label ... I buy the individial packets to mix with liquids (any liquid), but the directions say to take up to 5 packets a day ... so don't be surprised if just one doesn't do it for ya. Also, make sure you get all your liquids in and I make chili often (beans help!) ... Good luck!
   — Karyn B

September 30, 2003
More support for Benefiber!!! My surgeon's office said specifically not to use Metamucil, they have had patients with bowel obstructions after taking it. The Benefiber has no taste and does not thicken liquids. I take two tablespoons daily in 8 oz of diluted apple juice. I had lap rny 8/25 - down 31 lbs. Good luck!
   — Lisa Marie C.

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