Does anyone have an individual insurance policy on your own?

I am losing my health insurance through my part-time job. Problem is that the individual policies I've called about say that they would deny me based on my weight and/or the surgery. I've called Unicare and Anthem. Is there someone who has a policy they purchased on their own (preferably in Indiana), and what is the company? I can stay on COBRA for a short while, but it's expensive. I could return to full time work, but only if I take my son out of preschool. I'm really at a loss. I don't know what to do.    — Dragonfly2B2 (posted on February 11, 2004)

February 11, 2004
I'm going thru the same thing. I have been denied coverage by every company that I have tried on an individual policy because of WLS. It doesn't matter that I am healthy as a horse now. I am going to have to enroll with my office group policy (that is extrememly expensive). You almost have to take a part-time job just to pay for health insurance these days. Good Luck!
   — Lora T.

February 12, 2004
hi i would tell you the best thing to do is to stay on cobra if your surgery has been set up the same thing happen to me i was laid off just before my surgery so i went on cobra which is the same insurance you have its the best way to go hope this helps rosemary

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