Why Does my right thigh feel like it went to sleep and it's still sleeping?

After surgery an area of my right thigh felt like it was asleep and tingling; more like sensations of something crawling inside my leg. It has not stopped. It's sensitive to touch and went I massage it it's as if it went to sleep and it's still in the stages of waking up--if that makes sense. Has anyone experienced this, or know what this might be?    — cathkitty (posted on August 15, 2005)

August 15, 2005
Call your Doctor!! I don't want to scare you but that could be a blood clot. Don't rub that area and Call your doctor right away. It could also be from surgery if you are not too far out.But it sounds llike a possible clot to me. Jan Camara
   — jani204

August 15, 2005
Sounds like something I had which is from them moving you around on the operating table.....Sciatia nerve acted up for about a year or two. Since I have lost weight it does not bother me as much. But I am with the first your Dr and get seen!
   — dcox94

August 16, 2005
I haven't had my RNY surgery yet (9/22/05), but I did have my wisdom teeth out in March and I am experiencing something similar in my jaw (hasn't stopped me from eating though, hence the RNY surgery lol)! My dentist said that the oral surgeon probably hit a nerve during the extraction and that the crawly pins and needles feeling will go away after about a year or so.
   — gidget

August 16, 2005
Hey, the same thing has been happening to me and sometimes the discomfort is so bad that it wakes me out of my sleep if you find out what it could be let me know as I am going to the doctor tomorrow to have it checked with a few other things. Good luck & god bless. Taralee_
   — MizzDepp

August 19, 2005
Firstly, please call your doctor because you need to rule out the possibility of a blood clot immediatly. More than likely it isn't, but better safe than sorry, eh? I had this problem and called the doctor, as there was pain in my left thigh right after surgery that was almost continuous: pins and needles, prickly feelings, and sometimes when I moved certain ways, a horrible pain, like a shot of electricity going up my thigh that would hurt so bad I couldn't do anything but cry like a baby. The doctor said this is nerve damage, possibly from them accidentally bumping the spinal cord during surgery...(thanks doc <g>), or from my moving around with the drainage tube inside me. He also said that it would take several months for the pain to completely go away, as it takes time for sensitive nerves to heal. I tried taking tylonal and loratab for the pain but neither of these really helped. The one thing I can say that really helped alot is the b-12. The pain lessoned greatly after a few weeks, and now 8 months out, I have an occasional painful tingling there. So it won't last forever. Take heart, because it will get better.
   — Vicki B.

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