Where can I find information for my Psychiatrist on long term effects of WLS?

My psychiatrist has requested professional information regarding the short and long term effects of WLS, including depression, suicide, etc. Does anyone know websites I can refer to?    — Anne L. (posted on February 10, 2000)

February 10, 2000
My psychiatrist was very favorably impressed with the Nationa Institute of Health rationale for WLS. I printed out the whole thing for him, and he immediately changed his attitude from (you don't need surgery ... all you need is Slimfast!' to being supportive of WLS. In fact last time I saw him, he asked for my surgeon's name, address and phone number, as he wanted to refer one of his patients. When these doctors are opposed, I'm sure it is just lack of accurate information. How could anyone reasonably oppose a proven and relatively safe method for us to get healthy? Cindy
   — Cynthia B.

February 10, 2000
At there is a section called "for doctors only" which has a good listing of the short and long-term benefits and risks of RnY. It is one of the few documents that I found that went into the long-term complications of RnY. Good Luck!
   — Lynn K.

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