Going No mail soon, but, am very nervous

I am going no mail soon for surgery tomorrow, but, I am very anxious and this 3 days of clear liquids has got me depressed and scared. I was very up beat before this 3 day thing, but, now am very nervous. Anyway, I will see you on the other side, because I am going through with this, but need some RAH RAH right now.    — Jen L. (posted on February 17, 2000)

February 17, 2000
Jen, First off Good Luck! You will do fine. I had my Lap RNY in Dallas 3.5 weeks ago. I have told the first six weeks are ruff, I have learned at least half of that is true. But the weight is coming off(26#)and I am feeling better as time goes by. Just remember you are starting the journey to a new you! Enjoy!
   — Shelly T.

February 17, 2000
Hey Jen: I really understand you nervousness. I couldn't believe how nervous I got and I think with 3 days on clear liquids you have no choice but to focus on it. If you pray, I think that would help. I found some peace just before surgery through prayer and meditation. You are making the right decision and it will be tough, but well worth it. I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers too. Let us know how you do. Good Luck.
   — Dot W.

February 17, 2000
RAH RAH Jen! You go get em girlfriend! What you are feeling is normal. I was in the chat room crying like a baby the day before my surgery, numerous times!!! Prayer really helped me calm down, and so I will pray for you! See you on the other side- MB 1 month post down 20 lbs.
   — M B.

February 17, 2000
Good Luck, You will not feel like eating anything for three days after surgery. Remeber to get up n walk asap. It will make you feel better honestly. You will get used to eating differently too. I sometimes think the surgery is actually brain surgery not wls.
   — snicklefritz

February 17, 2000
Dear no mail: The three day thing is no big deal. Really. you will be surprised at how good chicken broth tastes!!!!!!! You will get full really fast too. I had surgery Dec. 1,1999. Best thing I ever did. Lost 64 lbs so far, and still want to lose another 70. good luck write and let me know how you are doing. Hang in there.
   — Patricia H.

February 17, 2000
Hey Jen, Go get em girl! Be brave (easy for me to say...preop)! I want you to know that I along with many others will keep you in our prayers tonignt. Best of luck in your new life and Happy Birthday!
   — Cheryl S.

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