My EKG came back abnormal and now my surgery is postponed....

I've read a couple of others that have had this happen. The results said I had a Miocardial Infraction (sp?) Heart Attack. I don't think I ever have but I wanted to post the question that even if I have will I still be able to have surgery? I also hope I'll return here in a few days and answer this question for everyone who has this happen.... update my own question once I've seen the cardiologist. Weird thing is my echo cardiogram came back just fine as did all the rest of my tests. I hope I can help answer this in a few days for myself and others to follow.    — blank first name B. (posted on August 2, 2000)

August 2, 2000
I had the exact same situation prior to my surgery. EKG showed heart attack. but after many additional tests including a stress test and echocardiogram, everything turned out normal. When I had my surgery, my heart rate was 180+ beats/minute for the first 3 days post-op, and that too subsided. I have had no issues since my surgery, but the whole sequence of event was very strange. My cardiologist said it is not unusual to have false/positive readings. That could be your situaiton as well but it is good that you are having everything checked out. You will be a finely tuned machine before your surgery! Good luck.
   — Mari R.

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