I don't like being mean but find myself not knowing what to do with anger!

I can't "eat" about it anymore and I get so angry at the smallest things. I raise my voice, grouch, snap at people I care about and it is like my mouth doesn't have a pit stop at my brain first! It just happens so fast and I don't like this about me at all!!! I'm 6 weeks post and have been working on it everyday... not "big" things that I get angry about but little, everyday living things... before I know it I've snapped off some one's head for something so minor. I really DON'T like this about me now... I wouldn't like anyone who acted this way and I sure don't want to... how do I stop? I try counting to 10, walking outside for a moment... those kinds of things work for bigger issues but the small stuff is getting to me and those I love most. Help please ~deniseTX    — blank first name B. (posted on October 1, 2000)

October 1, 2000
I am 11 weeks post-op and I went through the same feelings you are going through now. I don't know what I expected from this surgery but was totally disillusioned of the "eating" aspect of it all. I went to see my PCP, explained my feelings and was put on "Celexa" a new drug like Prosac or Zoloft. My family and co-workers have noticed a tremendous difference in my attitude. I know some people do not agree with the aspect of taking these drugs and it may not be what you need, but, it has done me a world of good. I can tell you that for me the feelings of anxiety and regret will pass. RNY was the best thing I have done for myself. Use this site to it's fullest potential. Everyone is more than willing to help and answer any questions you may have. Good Luck ;-}
   — Virginia S.

October 1, 2000
Denise: You sound like maybe there's a chemical imbalance going on - possibly due to the surgery. Lots of things are changing in your life, perhaps some due to aging also. If I were you, I'd talk to my doctor. Tell him exactly how you feel. He may have a simple answer for you - perhaps its depression or anxiety or hormones. It could be any number of things. I compliment you on the efforts you are making to remain in control - just go talk to you doctor. Also, there are lots of self-help books on Anger and Dealing with Anger at the local books stores - even the religious bookstores if you are interested in going there. And, I'm sure you'll love the results that come from your surgery. Sometimes, especially at first, the time doesn't seem to pass quickly enough for us - then suddenly you'll be amazed at yourself all the time! Best wishes!
   — Cindy H.

October 1, 2000
Denise, my doctor told me this is very common with his patients and recommended I speak to someone about getting Prozac, which I did. I have been on it almost two months now (I am 5 months post op) and it has made a tremendous difference. I also was at the point of seriously disliking myself because I was not handling things well at ALL. I was also very snappy, quick to yell, etc. Good luck to you!
   — Beth B.

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