How long after Lap - RNY should I still be in pain/discomfort?

Hi, I had a lap RNY (middle - in between proximal and distal) 13 days ago. My doctor has asked me not to drive until I'm off pain meds. My stomach still hurts alot in the mornings, kind of like there's just some sensitive stuff in there working it's way out. I had naively thought that because of the lap I wouldn't have much pain. What is normal for everyone else? I've tried Tylenol and it doesn't quite do it.    — laura T. (posted on June 4, 2001)

June 4, 2001
Laura - we are all really different with regard to our pain level following lap surgery. In my local support group, there are members, like myself who were off all pain meds by the third day and back to work in a week - then there are others who take a full 6 weeks off due to discomfort and fatigue. The average seems to be 2 weeks of discomfort, although it shouldn't be unbearable. I had a JP drain which was the only thing that bothered me up until day 8 when it was removed. After that, I was pain free. If it's really bad and your pain meds aren't cutting it, contact your doctor just to make sure that everything is okay. Best wishes.
   — T.L. S.

June 4, 2001
I took the 5 weeks off. More so due to fatigue than pain. I took the percocet faithfully for about 2 weeks. I had a hard time sleeping for closer to 4 weeks. I just couldn't et comfortable. I also had my gall bladder removed which may have caused more pain. But If I had to make a guess I owuld say anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks you will be uncomfortable. Hang in there. Rebecca
   — Rebecca L.

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