D.C. Law Pertaining to WLS. How do I find out if there is a LAW?

This is a follow-up to a question posted by Desiree I believe. She mentioned the new law in Maryland pertaining to approval, but it didn't occur to me that although I live in Maryland my insurance co is in Washington, DC. Does anyone know or can tell me how I can find out if D.C does in fact have a law for this? After getting excited about this, I am now getting just a tad nervous.    — Kimberly D. (posted on June 17, 2001)

June 19, 2001
Kimberely, I live in Va. and I know someone (who also lives in Va.) and has the same insurance as I do. When she brought up the Virgina Obesity Law she was told that they go by Maryland Laws since that is where they are located. I spoke to someone who was familiar with laws and they told me that was "bull." You are protected by the laws that govern your state and if insurance companies decide to provide services to states other than where they are located, then they have to abide by their laws. Fortunately, Maryland's recently passed law should help you regardless of where your insurances home base is. Good luck...
   — Betty M.

July 27, 2001
I live in Va...where YES there is a law prohibiting the discrimination of wls for the morbidly obese. I had heard about it, and to find it out for myself I just looked up the State Gov. site, and looked for a list of legislative laws or bills or whatever, and saw something that mentioned discrimination and obesity in the same discriptive title, and Voal-lah! there it was. I know it is kinda' hunt and peck style.....but the alternative would be to call your congressman or rep. and ASK!!! Good Luck to you!
   — Della K.

July 27, 2001
I live in Va...where YES there is a law prohibiting the discrimination of wls for the morbidly obese. I had heard about it, and to find it out for myself I just looked up the State Gov. site, and looked for a list of legislative laws or bills or whatever, and saw something that mentioned discrimination and obesity in the same discriptive title, and Voal-lah! there it was. I know it is kinda' hunt and peck style.....but the alternative would be to call your congressman or rep. and ASK!!! Good Luck to you!
   — Della K.

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