Are you able to clean yourself when you use the bathroom after surgery?

I'm not trying to be gross, but I am concerned about this. I am already barely cleaning myself properly now before the surgery...what will happen after an open RNY? I'm really worried...    — Rebekah A. (posted on July 11, 2002)

July 11, 2002
Check with your surgeon or hospital. They may supply tongs for your use. BTC in Belvidere, IL supplies tongs to all their patients. If yours does not, then bring your own. You can (sorry for the graphics) clench your toilet paper in it and wipe yourself that way.
   — photographer45

July 11, 2002
Rebekah, I liked the idea about the tongs, but what I did was request a Peri-bottle from the Obstetrical floor. You can wash with it in addition to wiping. Don't worry, I am a CNA and about to enter RN school. That is part of our job, and if you need help, we are truly not going to mind. Just remember that e-coli bacteria from the rectal area causes most vaginal and urethra/bladder infections in women...Tina
   — Tina B.

July 11, 2002
Hi, Check out my profile for helpful hints for pre-ops. I cover this problem. Good luck. Diane
   — Diane Z.

July 11, 2002
Hi there :) First off...good luck with your upcoming surgery. Second...I hope you have a helpful staff and supportive friends/family to help you along the way. I had open RNY and I was unable to wipe myself. Not even close. I am 24 and pretty flexible for a heavy woman and I still couldn't even get halfway there! :) My CNA's and nurses told me to "do my best" and they wouldn't help me when I had a bowel movement at night and no family members were there. They were terrible and I was on my own. SO..I took some of their towels, wet them, and wiped myself the best I could. Needless to say, I had some rash problems when I returned home from not being totally "clean", but thank God for family. CNA's don't do much besides vitals and assisting patients..I suggest you remind them of their duties if anyone gives you trouble. You deserve treatment and respect.
   — Kelly C.

July 11, 2002
Two or three days after coming home from surgery, I was back in the hospital with pneumonia and an accumulation of fluid between my lung and diaphragm. This was VERY painful. I have never had a problem with "taking care of myself" before......until then. I was unable to bend or turn without being in severe pain. When I had a BM I would call a nurse to come in and "help" me. I knew this was part of their job even though, at first, I was a bit embarrassed. Every nurse was fine with it and didn't make me feel ashamed at all........except one nurse. She said one time " why do we have to do this for you anyway?". I told her "Believe me, if I could do it myself, I would." I never had a problem with her after that. The nurses were fine with it. So if need be, ask a nurse for help. That's what they are there for.
   — Kim B.

July 11, 2002
A wooden spoon wrapped in TP works for a lot of us MO people. I know lots of people who have used this trick! Now how the h*ll to I make this answer anonymous?!
   — Jeanese M.

July 11, 2002
One very wise person told me prior to my surgery to buy an inexpensive pair of salad tongs - wrap them with toilet paper. I bulked at the idea but once I had surgery and felt totally helpless I used the tongs and believe me they were a life saver. Granted you use more toilet paper but I figure it's just a small price to pay. Worked wonderful for me. Matter of fact I only had to use them for a couple days after surgery - then I was able to do for myself. Good luck.
   — Can9603

July 11, 2002,htm - at this site you will find a Bottom Buddy, a utensil made especially for those of us that have this problem. Check it out!!
   — tinyjo

July 11, 2002
I had a shower brush with the detachable head that was old. I threw away the brush, and used the curved handle with TP rolled around the end to wipe myself with. Worked like a charm, and didn't cost anything. After a couple of weeks I didn't need it anymore. Don't worry too much about this. It will pass when you lose some weight. I had to do a major colon cleanse before I went in for surgery, so I had no BM's while there, but I did have to pee. After they helped me get to the potty, the nurses disappeared really fast. Don't hesitate to ask them for help. That is their job, and they shouldn't be reluctant to do it. Be assertive!
   — Loretta E.

July 11, 2002
Thank you for asking. I have been wondering the same thing, but figured I'd be told after surgery how to accomplish this task. I like the idea of the "tongs". I think I'm going to get some and practice, prior to my surgery.
   — Martha P.

July 12, 2002
When I had my surgery they gave us a tool to help out in those private situations. It was a medal wand that if you looked at it was a Z the only way I can explain it..I hope this helps. I really didnt need it but once.
   — Wendy G.

July 12, 2002
Ok, let me just say I too had an open RNY, May 9, 2002. And the nurses I had were fantastic! But I resent some of these posters bad mouthing the nursing staff where they were. Trust me, we KNOW our jobs! We work short staffed, long hours and we have more patients than we used to. Which would you have a nurse do, give a critical medication or help a patient who can't breathe or clean your bottom?? And CNA's do lots more than take vitals. Nurses are not there to be handmaidens, waitresses or whipping boys. We have a very important job to do and seems no one knows that. What did I do to "clean" myself? I went from the FRONT. I was very very careful not to soil where I shouldn't and it was easier that reaching from behind. So before you bad mouth a nurse, try something else!
   — Gina D.

July 12, 2002
Hi. I am a very private person. I don't even undress in front of my husband or daughter, so the very idea of asking for help cleaning myself is just out of the question for me. I have had back surgery. When I wake up, my back is very stiff and hurts and I just cannot reach. I go to the "Dollar tree" and I buy bath brushes. I also buy the flushable baby wipes. I use that first then tp to dry. I am able to get clean. I have done this for years...LOL..thought I was the only one!!!!
   — Pam G.

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