what are my chances for approval

I was denied for GSB because of medically necessitary my pcp only list depression, on the initial letter.(i was his FIRST GSB)patient so he doesnt know much about submitting a letter. Anyways, i research for a month and all the appeal necessities, and wrote the appeal myself. i had my medical records sent to my from ft.stewart ga. therefore i could substantiate the medically necessity. my co morbids are hypertension,gerd,swollen legs,depression,increase incidence of malignancies(cyst,enlarged uterus) WHAT ARE MY CHANCES? Im so nervous, i just fed-ex my appeal how long should i wait to call. Thanks for any support    — julie B. (posted on February 17, 2003)

February 17, 2003
Julie , your chances are good . My only co morb was blood preasure .. and family history of heart problems and cancer .. If your ins does not have an exclusion policy for WLS and you are 100 ilbs over weight, they CANT deny you coverage. Some ins companies deny all first request .. just keep appealing .. stay diligent .. dont give up .YOU WILL GET APPROVED Good Luck Ruthie
   — ruthie

February 17, 2003
I'd say you have a great chance w/ a BMI of 41 and those comorbs. You may have a family member write a letter about your family history too. Can't hurt. I'm still in the waiting process, but I think its lookin pretty good for me as well. If you need help w/ any letters email me. We have aprox same stats. my BMI is 40 now though my profile says 39.8..Good Luck
   — Nickie C.

February 18, 2003
Hi Julie, I would say you have a very good chance of getting approved. As it was said before if your BMI is over 40, you have health problems and you have a family history. You will get approved. This is medically necessary. Do you have a diet history? Because they might ask for that. Wishing you Luck! *_*
   — Dayanara A.

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