traveling for 5 hours what to bring?

I have an appt. with Dr.Overcash in Ocala Fla. in March since i have to travel so far away i want to bring as much information as possibe to get the ball rolling. (exp.letters from husband, mother, brother etc)    — julie B. (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 20, 2003
Hi Julie, Is this the first meeting with your doctor?
   — Colleen S.

February 20, 2003
I would take your list of medications with doses. A letter or form filled out from your family Dr stating what he has had you try to lose weight..Have your medical problems written down, and have the names and address of any Drs or Specialist you have seen in the past. That should pretty well cover it...Good Luck
   — NANCY P.

February 20, 2003
Always be prepared :0) when I finally got in to my surgeon to get the ball rolling, I called the insurance co. what all they required for the surgery. I got copies of all my medical medical visits for the past 3 years and I made sure that my weight,B/P, B/S were highlighted. My HbA1c levels from the lab, just about any and all medical info the insurance might want. My letter of medical necessity from my PCP, my personal letter to the insurance company (I followed the letter here on obesityhelp), fully explaining each of the med prolems and concequences they will have on my health, if I dont have the surgery. A list of QUESTIONS and concerns that were important to me about the RNY. Your insurance card, the address and phone # of the insurance co, where the claims are processed. And make 2 copies of everything, and take one copy of everything with you. taking everything the first time even if its not necessary at the time,will save a lot of time in the long run. sorry so long, Good luck :0)
   — wizz46

February 21, 2003
Take along a copy of your typed up weight loss attempt history. Just list everything you every tried, to the best of your memory. Exercise, diets, nutritionists, medical doctors, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc., how much you lost and how much you regained. Most doctors need it for the insurance paperwork anyway.
   — Kathy J.

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