I am 14 months post op. I Have been on TWO Bextra 20mg. a day . I am now scared of i

I have severe arthitis ,Fibro/ cronic fatigue,sleep apnea and most all that most of us on this site have. I am soon to be 64 and had a lot of weight bearing joint problems from carrying the weight. They thought it would help more than it has. I was already on bextra and after surgery my surgeon said to take 2 20mg a day which I have it has been 14 months and if it has damaged something it hasn't showed up yet. I have had to have on finger fused and another to take bone out and replaced with a pin. cart. is gone from one of my feet.Alota of spine problems. The pain is so bad the now have me on pain patches mepergan nurotin and the bextra If an y of you know a place that specializes in back/arthitis/spineal nerve damage Please let me know. I want to get it fixed if possible. I know what all this pain med. is probly doing and it still does not ease the pain enough foa r me to sleep.I hope ssomeone might help with this info.    — Frances N. (posted on November 17, 2004)

November 17, 2004
I'm not sure from your post if you are having back pain. I have suffered for twelve years with it. I recently had a procedure call radiofrequency ablation on my spine and although it hasn't eliminated the pain, it has significantly reduced it to where I have cut back a lot on my medications. I don't know if you would be a candidate. They do a test on you first to see if your pain is reduced by at least 50% before they do the procedure. WARNING: I found the procedure itself very painful but for me, it has been worth it. It was done at a pain clinic by an anethesiologist. Melody
   — Melody B.

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