What do you do about estrogen replacement?

I had a total hysterectomy in May of 2000 and I have to take Estratest and Zoloft. I have read so many things and have learned so much from this site. So any help from you would be great. Thanks Kristi    — kristisaxon (posted on January 18, 2001)

January 19, 2001
I swallow PremPro (estrogen + progesterone) tablets, just like pre-op -- they still work fine. A friend of mine (4 weeks post-op) is taking her zoloft without problems.
   — Linda B.

January 28, 2001
Kristi: I had a total hysterectomy in Dec 1999, and am taking premarin every day. Only missed a couple of days in the hospital due to my open RNY (the surgery day and post day). No problem with the estrogen upsetting my stomach (I'm 9 days post-op) and no problem swallowing the pills since they're so small.
   — Kristy J.

January 28, 2001
My hystie was 1981, my WLS was 1994. I've taken the same doses of premarin right along. No problems at all with the pill size or the medicine itself.
   — vitalady

March 3, 2001
I wa on Premarin however started having HOT flashes and my feelings were always on my sleeve (cried over everything) so they changed me to a shot every month DEPRO i think and taught my husband how to give it to me and they give you a 12 month supply along with 12 syringes.
   —  emma lavonne G.

September 17, 2001
My PCP put me on estrogen patches and also a Zoloft patch.
   — Charlotte C.

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