I am 2 years post op and over 100# pounds to go.

Has any one heard of having the surgery again to lose another 100#?    — jamaraty (posted on October 15, 2001)

October 15, 2001
I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone. I am three years post-op and I still have 65lbs. to lose. Lately, I've been thinking about talking about my surgeon about a surgical approact. I'v gained 12lbs. and have stabilized.And before anyone jumps to conclusions.....I do workout and I do eat right. Here's hoping that someone else can share thoughts/experiences.
   — [Anonymous]

January 14, 2004
I too am having the same problem. I am 2 yrs. post-op and have lost around 60-65lbs. but still have at least another 30lbs that I need to lose yet. I have'nt lost anything since I was just 6 months post-op. and get really frustrated. I have never stopped exercising and I am always careful to watch my food choices and portions. I do know that I am able to eat anything I want including sugar, but try to always stay away from those temptations. I haven't gone back to see my surgeon for over a year because I was depressed and embarrassed that I was'nt having nearly the sucess that patients who had their surgery after me were having. I've finally broken down and made an appt. to see my surgeon tomorrow and see if he has any ideas about what I can do to lose some more weight. If anyone else has any suggestions please pass them on to me. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

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