Why Does My Hair Keeping Falling Out???? HELP!!!!

I had the proximal RNY on March 5 of this year. So I'm about 8 months post-op. I started losing my hair in the 4th month, and it's still falling out. My hairdresser says this is fairly normal after a major surgery, but I'm losing so much I'm afraid I'll be bald soon! I'm eating as much protein as I can stand and taking a multi-vitamin. What else can I do? I'm desperate!    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 9, 2001)

November 9, 2001
Hi--Im only 8 weeks out and havent started the hair loss yet =) but I have heard that taking an extra protein drink and taking a vitamin called Biotin and another called ZBEC will help.. I have been taking them for about a month so maybe they are helping...Good luck to you!!
   — Donna S.

November 9, 2001
Hi. I'm fairly new to this, but have a great dietician. She suggests adding some more protein in the form of a liquid or powder called IsoPure. It provides 40 G protein. She recommends this in addition to your regular protein. Also, there are some shampoos that contain biotin, such as MANE and TAIL, that are supposed to help. I believe some of the salon shampoos have biotin as well. Good luck...hope this helps you! :)
   — Sherri R.

November 9, 2001
Try taking Biotin pills, found at GNC and also Zinc pills, foound at any supermarket or drugstore. Also, wash with Nioxin shampoo and conditioner found at most beauty supply stores and in some salons. This combination helped tremendously, After using them for about a month I noticed a drastic difference in the hair loss, and even have plenty of new growth. Good luck!
   — Vicki K.

November 9, 2001
My hair was also falling out. When I went for my check-up, my doctor asked me when I started to get all of my protein in. This is how the doctor explained it to me. First off it take 3 months for the lack of protein to affect our hair. All of us have a protein deficit for at least the first month after surgery. If we can get all of our protein in after the first month, we will experience hair loss between months 3 and 4. If it takes us 3 months to get the protein in, we will go through hair loss for 3 months. It will be about month six before we stop losing our hair. I hope this helps. The quickest way to stop hair loss is to start eating more protein. If you get at a minimum of 40g. daily you can expect your hair to stop falling out in three months. I hope this helps. Good luck.
   — Carla C.

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