Has anyone ever had their pcp tell them that they would not give them a referal?

what happens then? do you beg? how do you find a doc that will give you a referal?    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 4, 2002)

March 3, 2002
I went to a group consult for surgery only to find out I needed a referral to be there. No problem, I thought, and called my PCP in the morning. He read me the riot act, called surgery foolishness and said he would never refer me because he didn't want my death on his head. I called the surgeon's office in tears and they recommended the most wonderful, caring doctor I have ever gone to. It set me back a few months because it takes 30 days for a PCP transfer with my insurance, and then to "start over", but let me tell you, when I am thin, I am waltzing myself over to that old PCP and asking him what he thinks now!!! CALL YOUR SURGEON AND ASK THEM WHO THEY RECOMMEND!!!
   — Linda D.

March 4, 2002
Your doctor may be thinking of the old intestinal bypass hack jobs they did back in the '70s. A lot of people died from these surgeries, and the ones that didn't had chronic problems like chronic diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Weight loss surgery has certainly changed from those days and is very safe and effective nowadays. My opinion: if your PCP doesn't support your decision, find one who does. They're hard to find, but they're out there. Unless your PCP has struggled with obesity himself/herself, he is not likely to support WLS, because he just won't know enough about it! Good luck to you.
   — Terissa R.

March 4, 2002
GET ANOTHER PCP! I would be sure to make an appointment with your current PCP and ask them why they feel this surgery would not benifit you. Also, try writing a letter to him explaining why you feel you need the surgery. Maybe add some info about the surgery. GOOD LUCK!
   — Kimberly B.

March 4, 2002
My girlfriend's Doctor is a UNSYMPATHETIC LOSER. She no longer goes to her... Look up your peers on this site and find a Doctors they used. You can fire a Doctor. Doctors are not perfect and should not be considered to all think alike.
   — Karen R.

March 4, 2002
This happened to me but has a happy ending. :-) My doctor didn't realize how hard I'd dieted over the years, nor did he have any idea about how much research I'd done into the surgery. I document what I did about it in the first page of my online journal. I am out 5.5 months and 116 lbs now, and my PCP has totally come around. <p>I'm glad I threatened to switch PCPs, but I'm also glad that I didn't need to. My doctor has been great and says that the whole process has been a really good educational process for him... and I have the benefit of working with someone who has known me for four years.
   — Julia M.

March 4, 2002
I did. My PCP was totally unsupportive of this. I did threaten to find a new PCP but I also told him that a referal did not meant that I would be approved. I reminded him that it was up to the surgeon and the insurance to decide if this was medically necassary, so if I did not need it I would not get it. Turns out I needed it and I got it. Down 140 pounds.
   — Tracy C.

March 4, 2002
Find out why s/he isn't giving you the referral.... and take it into consideration. If it is because they are "uneducated" about the surgery, I wouldn't even try to break through that berier.. Kindly tell them you'll be finding a new PCP who has your health and interest at heart. If it's because they think you don't need the surgery and you know you have your 100 lbs over weight limits ro your co-morbids, I would also talk about finding a new PCP.. But keep in mind your PCP's concerns.. but you have to do what's right for you and your health!
   — Elizabeth D.

March 4, 2002
If you have a PPO, most of them do not require a referral. If HMO, you most definitely do. I know that my PCP was concerned about the surgery, but he sees me now at 125 down and says I look wonderful.
   — dolphins94

March 4, 2002
I went to the peers section of this site, and looked up my state, and then in turn e-mailed alot of the people that are from the same area as me, and asked what PCP they used. I found one that was less then 10 minutes from my house. he referred me the first time I saw him. I would not beg any Doctor. Most are Pompous, and that just adds to their Ego.
   — sbinkerd1

March 4, 2002
Just to add my experience... I also had a PCP who adamantly told me he would never, ever write me a referral for this surgery. He told me horror stories about people dying in the ER when he as there, blah, blah, blah. I started balling my eyes out in his office, at which time he told me that to lose weight all I had to do was cut the calories and fats and especially sugars because of the diabetes. I kinda smart-alecky remarked that I had no idea it was so simple, had I known I would have tried that years ago!!!Then I proceeded to tell him that all I wanted to do was at least meet with the surgeon, and I absolutely had not made up my mind to have surgery, I just wantd to get more information (yeah, right). After convincing him of that, he calmed down and said that because I didn't have more than 250 pounds to lose, I most likely wouldn't qualify for it anyway, and he also said that no responsible surgeon would operate on someone who "only" had 110 pounds to lose! Talk about an uninformed PCP! Once that referral was written, I knew that I would proceed with surgery and eventually win him over. Well, that was almost a year ago, I am now 9 months post op, at goal and down 111 pounds, size 4!!! I just went to the PCP for bloodwork last week and WOW, was he impressed! He is now getting more info. from me about all this and wants to talk to other patients about the benefits of WLS. To boot, he is working on a referral to a plastic surgeon for reconstructive surgery and is so happy with my NORMAL blood sugars, blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as, in his words, "athletic heart rate" from all the exercising. Moral of the story, get the referral somehow, some way, even if it means begging, or as a last option changing PCP's, and take your life in your own hands. DO NOT let an ignorant doctor dictate What you should do with your own life. Best of luck on your journey, and GO FOR IT!!!
   — Vicki K.

March 4, 2002
This really gets under my skin. I think some PCP's just want to see us beg. I think it is some kind of power issue. I ended up in tears with frustration in my PCP's office. I had to 'convince' her that I needed the surgery. My PCP is MO herself and asked me why I couldn't diet and exercise. The nerve. I wanted to ask her the same thing back at her. "Well why don't you, and if you do, why are you fat" But I am not a rude person and I wasn't going to stoop to her level. I got my referral and won't go back to her. I would definitely find a PCP that is WLS friendly. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

April 14, 2004
This happened to me. I printed out this study I found on the web that talked about morbid obesity, the health problems associated with it, the increased risk if you gained the majority of your weight after the age of 18 (like I did), or if you carry it all in your belly (like I do), etc. I highlited everything pertinent and went over it with him line by line. He kept telling me to join Weight Watchers! Duh! I've TRIED that!!! After I brought in my 'homework', though, he relented. I think he gave in when he saw 1) how stubborn I was and 2) how informed I was. Don't give up!
   — Becky Sue

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