My Premarin has been taken away from ME!!!

and at 52 I am have the worst Hot Flashes, I never get a full nights sleep anymore, because I have 3 and 4 hot flashes a night. I was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and what you have done to ease this. They are just awful and I feel like a Zombie in the mornings. My PCP thinks that taking a HRT is not worth the risks of breast cancer or Ovarian cancer, as opposed to menapause symptons, having a Man as my PCP I would like to give him these hot flashes for a week and see if he still things so. I was hoping maybe someone knew of some Natural Herbs etc that can ease these Thanks and Hugs    — Jeri P. (posted on August 17, 2002)

August 17, 2002
My premarin was taken away from me too. The hot flashes have actually gotten better, as my weight went down :-) Oh, I still have my moments, but...ya get used to it.
   — Barbara B.

August 17, 2002
I had a hysterectomy in 1994 and was put on Premarin. It took a year or two to adjust the dosage to what was right for me since my ovaries had produced alot of Estrogen prior to the hysterectomy due to the morbid obesity. My gynecologist figured the I was safe to take HRT since I had a family history of heart disease, not breast cancer or ovarian cancer. HRT helps protect you from heart disease. Then my grandmother got breast cancer in 1999 and I was taken off my Premarin for good. By then I'd gotten most of the benefits of the Premarin and was almost over the hot flashes because I was on it for 5 years, but it was still hard to adjust. Things have evened out though and I don't get hot flashes that much anymore, thank goodness. If you have a positive family history of ovarian or breast cancer (especially on your mother's side) then its best you stay off HRT, but if you don't or if you have a family history of heart disease, you may want to get another opinion. Take care and stay cool :-)
   — thumpiez

August 17, 2002
I had a hysterectomy last year and am on Orth-EST and do very well. There is the new drug Evista that is very good and also helps prevent breast cancer. I noticed that you said your PCP took you off. I would suggest that you get you an OB/GYN they keep very informed on the lastest HRT treatments. Soy also a helps hot flashes. There is a lot of miscommunication on the HRT and breast cancer I was told that the Testrone was what was causing the increase in breast cancer maybe you can get put on something that does not have that in it. Good luck
   — Lisa B.

August 18, 2002
Male doctors tend to think that the effects of a Hot Flash aren't that tramatic. I disagree. My mother and I both have them, and I have been on Premarin for years. I would not be able to function normally without it because it helps to control my mood swings as well as those open-waterfall Hot Flashes. My mother didn't take medication for her Hot Flashes and as a result her hair thinned out in the top of her head. When her Doctor put her on Prempro she was able to tolerate the Hot Flashes better and her hair returned. You should speak to a female Doctor. I personally will continue to take Premarin because I think it's benefits outweigh the risk. Good luck on your decision and God Bless you on your Hot Flashes.
   — Michelle B.

August 18, 2002
HI Jeri! I was told to discontinue taking the hormones a few months ago prior to wls (it can cause bleeding). It was about a month before they announced the results of the study and everybody stopped taking it. As it turned out, i had been taking the GENERIC version of the estrogen called "estradiol"----- the compounded form that was not considered dangerous. The latest i heard was to take "Black Cohosh Root" -----a natural dietary supplement. Since I'm seeing a new ob-gyn this week, i intend to ask him what dosage i should be taking (it says 1- 3/day on the bottle). If i don't get an answer from him, I will call a GNC or, in our area, we have a natural food store called "Whole Foods" where they sell these types of supplements and they always have a nutritionist there that can answer this type of question. Normally i wouldn't take just anything, but since i stopped taking the estradiol i've been constantly hot ----and in florida it's hot enough! If you can find a nutritionist that will help you, all the better. Just make sure they know ALL the medications you're on because even some of the natural remedies don't mix well with prescription medicines. Also---go online to have a good source for your questions. Good luck!
   — Adele F.

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