I'm 33 and the mom of 5 who has some serious stretch marks above & below my

bellybutton. I'm concerned that the condition of my abdominal skin will affect whether or not I can have surgery, since stretch marks are tears of the skin itself. If anyone has been in a similar sitaution or has some info for me kindly email me at the following address: [email protected] Thank you:)    — E M. (posted on September 12, 2002)

September 12, 2002
I have 3 children all c-section and I have alot of stretch marks and I was able to have this surgery lap. I will be 6 months on the 22nd of this month and have sent from a size 26 to a size 13/14 or some pants and the skirt I have on today 12. So you will be able to have this surgery. Good Luck and God Bless.
   — Chris9672

September 12, 2002
Hi. I don't have kids, but I did have lots of stretch marks all over and it wasn't a problem. I'm pretty sure that they won't effect your surgery. Besides, almost every person who has surgery has stretch marks because you have to be 100+ pounds over weight. I know some women who had surgery after having c-sections with a lot of scar tissue.
   — Sarah K.

September 12, 2002
Hi! Mother of 4 here, I have so many stretch marks that one of my doctors, during a pregnancy , told me that I had the road map of the U.S. on my stomach. Nice huh? LOL. I had LAP RNY , with no problems whatsover in that area. I think most people that have this surgery open or lap, have stretch marks on their stomachs and it doesn't make a difference. Good luck to you!
   — Carey N.

September 12, 2002
Thanks to all of you for your posts, I feel so much better knowing that others have successfully had the operation while having stretch marks form hades:)Hopefully I won't drive the doctor crazy with these questions at my consult next week LOL>
   — E M.

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