what can cause my stomach to hurt all the time

I had Open RNY in April of 2001, I am very happy with my weight loss, I have lost around 145 lbs. but my stomach hurts all the time I have to take tums and zantac all the time. And to look at my stomach it looks like my butt it has the funniest shape not very pretty. It even has a crack like my butt... LOL I have went to the doctor and they say it may be a usler(sp) I can't stand this pain.. It is almost like a hunger pain all the time...    — T R. (posted on October 16, 2002)

October 15, 2002
Hi there, One question have they done an ultra sound to check to see if it is your gallbladder. I do hopr you feel better. I know what it is like to be in pain all the time. As soon as I got my gallbladder out all the pain went with it. Best of luck to you. Sarah
   — sarah C.

October 16, 2002
Hi, I was having a problem with a pain like you described. Ask your doctor to prescribe Protienex, or Prevacid, instead of taking over the counter medication. My surgeon explained that my stomach was making to much stomach acids, which was causing the awful gnawing ache in my stomach. It would lessen after I ate but that would last for about 15 minutes, then I was back to square one. Hope this helps, Toodles
   — Sherry S.

October 16, 2002
I had the exact same trouble about 3 months out, I was sick all the time and felt almost hungry all the time. The pain was unbearable. My doctor sent me to a GI and he told me that I had a duodenal ulcer. It seems that this is pretty common with RNY GB patients. He put me on Aciphex, this stuff is AWESOME and no side affects. Of course a lot of insurances won't pay for it. I suggest you get to a specialist and talk to him asap, your life will be so much better.
   — smedley200

October 16, 2002
Go ahead & do the testing. You do NOT want to be eating Tums on a daily basis. They make kidney stones, so you probably don't need to add that to your problems. The Zantac is not helping? Have you tried any of the modern stuff? Prilosec, Prevacid, Aciphex, Protonix? You might want to ask for Carrafate. If it is in your pouch, the carafate would put the fire out immediately (sure, for awhile) but at least you'd know if you are reaching it. If you have formed an ulcer in the lower (sealed away) portion, you'd need to know that before it does any damage. I had ulcers in my real stomach constantly, several duodenal ulcers pre-op, then marginal ulcers post-op. I wish I had a nickel for every one! LOL! I'm a whiner so got mine fixed right away, so they only left scars, not holes. But please dont' wait around--go ahead & test.
   — vitalady

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