Has WLS cured any body else's snoring?

I've been meaning to ask this question for a while...apparently when I was pre-op my snoring was so bad it brought to mind wolverines attacking their prey. (I mean, I could be heard thru walls, closed doors, downstairs when I was asleep get the picture.) And this was thru all of my weights, even close to where I am now (170lbs./size 12). Mind you, I was never diagnosed with sleep apnea, either. But, according to my roomie who made it his mission to keep me appraised of my hideous night time noises, shortly after my surgery (like maybe 20lbs. off) the snoring went away...just like that. So what does this mean? And has this happened to anyone else? Believe me, I'm not complaining...just curious!    — rebeccamayhew (posted on February 10, 2003)

February 10, 2003
Well, I don't know about snoring, but I know that now I don't toss and turn all night, I might wake up at 4am and think "Wow, I'm still on the same side!" It was awful before, we actually had a king sized bed just so I was far enough away from my husband in the bed, so i wouldn't wake him up at night. I know this is probably from sleeping deeper. I used to be soooooo particular about how my neck was positioned on my pillows, hindsight wonders if I didn't have breathing problems at night, but I have none of that happening now. I think the quality of my sleep has improved, I think I'm actually more rested now, than in a Very long time! Happy Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's
   — JutziGirl

February 10, 2003
My son said I snored like a freight train. And during the course of all my pre-op tests, I confirmed I had sleep apnea. Since I've lost 50lbs I no longer snore. RnY 10/9/2 5'2 223/173
   — Wanda R.

February 10, 2003
Yes. I snored like a freight train and you could hear me downstairs through closed doors. I DID have sleep apnea, and my snoring stopped after the first 30 pounds or so. My dh says I never snore now.
   — mom2jtx3

February 10, 2003
In my case, my snoring stopped and I no longer need my cpap machine. This happened w/only 50lbs or less gone. I am so much more rested and I don't look like a fighter pilot anymore!
   — rmsh78

February 10, 2003
I no longer snore, but I still toss and turn (guess I need a Serta mattress). Now I feel like the princess and the pea.
   — Beffy W.

February 10, 2003
Totally gone after losing 30 pounds.
   — ZZ S.

February 10, 2003
yes after 60lbs gone was the snoring with the pounds gastric bypass 12/10/02 60lbs gone forever!
   — Pam J.

February 10, 2003
yep, gone in the first 2 weeks after surgery. My husband no longer threatens to sleep in the guest room'
   — Vicki L.

February 10, 2003
I don't snore anymore either. The day I had my RNY I even woke myself up after the surgery because I was snoring so loud!!
   — Patty H.

February 10, 2003
When the weight comes off often the snoring goes away because the weight presses down. The fat or something like that is actually what causes the snoring.
   — snicklefritz

February 10, 2003
Hi Rebecca!! Size 12- you sexy thang! When are you coming to a support group meeting, I want to see you. Bout the snoring-pre-op, I would wake myself up, I could hear myself snore, it was so bad. I never got tested for sleep apnea, but would not doubt I had it. Bout 30-40 pounds later, no snoring at all...not sure what the medical explanation is-why don't you ask our surgeon?
   — Cindy R.

February 10, 2003
hi :) preop i snored alot! now post op, i never do. im pretty certain i had sleep apnea although i was never diagnosed, im glad to be snoreless now. :)
   — carrie M.

February 10, 2003
Yep, my snoring also went away shortly after I started losing weight as well. My boyfriend said that sometimes I breath so quietly now, that he has to check to make sure I'm ok! :o)
   — Jennifer A.

February 10, 2003
Well, glad to hear this is an unexpected benefit of WLS for many. At least my roomie doesn't tell me I sound like a "caged animal" anymore! Huggs to all...
   — rebeccamayhew

February 10, 2003
Rebecca, my husband says I used to snore really loudly. I remember waking myself up only when I was just falling asleep cuz I was snoring. As like you, I was never diagnosed with sleep apnea. But, post op, the snoring stopped for me too. My husband is very thankful!!
   — bevewy

February 10, 2003
Yes !! After only 20 - 25 family says I don't even "BABY Snore".
   — Sharon H.

February 10, 2003
Me too! I used to rattle the windows when I snored, according to my daughter and my boyfriend. Sometimes it was so bad that he would go and sleep on the couch to get some quiet. But since losing only about 30 lbs my snoring has completely stopped. Yippee! One more gift from having this surgery.
   — Suki L.

February 11, 2003
Yeppers!!!!!!!! I quit and my husband started!!! Actually, I think now that I don't shake the ceiling fan anymore, he can finally be heard!! I still snore if extremely tired or have a cold though.
   — Terri Z.

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