Another pouch question: If the pouch has been determined to be

stretched, how long must you wait until it is safe enough and can be "fixed" (have it corrected)? Or is it the stoma? I think I would need the opening smaller or something...Would there be any complications? What are some suggestions?    — yourdivaness (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 21, 2003
C'mon AMOS members...I'd really appreciate some help here. Why is it others may ask a similar question several hundred times, and I ask this one for MY situation, and can't get anyone to answer. Is it because I'm not a "new post-op"? I'm still learning some new things about this new tool you know...Each of us have been at this stage at one time or another...looking for answers. Some of you may, in fact, ask a question like some already in the library, but word it different. Don't flame me, these are my REAL concerns. Have some compassion, please. Thank you!
   — yourdivaness

February 21, 2003
I wish I could remember where I saw it, but I don't believe it is possible to change the stoma to make it smaller. At the very least, it would probably require another surgery. I also know that the pouch does stretch out over time, regardless of what or how much you eat. That is a normal part of the process.
   — garw

February 21, 2003
Wow, you packed a lot of questions into an inch of text! The relaxed stoma might be a result of the way your pouch was constructed. I could wave my hands around & show you here. Would that help? The "repair" might be to reconstruct the pouch and go a bit more distal to use a less flimsy part of the intestine for the stoma. There CAN be complications with any surgery, large or small. I have 2 freinds who were hospitalized for 2 weeks for liver biopsy, and I was there for about 6 hrs. I forgot how far out you are, but you may have to leave your area to find a doctor willing to rebuild your plumbing. I've seen people have a band put in (similar to Fobi pouch), but then had to go back in and fetch it back out because the body rejected it. So, there isn't realy one pat answer to your many questions. There's LOTS of answers, all speculation. Does it help to just hear that there might even BE options?
   — vitalady

June 20, 2003
Original Poster here: Well, at the time I asked this question, I didn't quite know the difference between the *pouch* and the stoma. Now, I know it was the stoma that I should have been concerned about. I've had some difficulty lately and from what I've learned thus far is that there are probably adhesions and scar tissue that has probably formed. I'm still wondering, though, if there is the possibility of my stoma being too big now since prior to feeling something stuck in my throat, it seems like I was eating entirely too much!! Seems like there are too many things going on!! Haven't heard from my surgeon yet. I'm now 9 months, 2 weeks and 3 days out and down (as of today) only 107#. So, right now, I'm on a plateau, somewhat depressed about that, exhausted...(I have to tell you all the truth), I can't fake this...I'm not one to give up too quick, but I'm worn out with everything happening...stress on my job w/discrimination issues->gender and formerly being MO, the fact that I now speak and not be anyone's "doormat" or be the jolly sweet, Hadiyah that never said a word. So much going on and I think all of this is crashing in on me at one time and causing my physical body and emotional/mental self to go awry. I do feel my stoma needs to be smaller and thank God my spiritual self is still intact. I still *Smile*, but not as much with these pressing things going on in my life. Sorry, this may be a bit off this topic, but I had to let this out. Can any of you offer other suggestions? All and as many as possible are welcome, and PLEASE, if it's not beneficial, positive or edifying, pass this up and go to the next question...I need your support, not a bashing...PLEASE...PLEASE HELP!! Thank you so much for listening!
   — yourdivaness

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